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2 Chronicles 1:5-6

Moreover the brasen
that Bezaleel
the son
of Uri
the son
of Hur
had made
<06213> (8804)_,
he put
<07760> (8804)
the tabernacle
of the LORD
and Solomon
and the congregation
<01875> (8799)
unto it. {he put: or, was there}
And Solomon
went up
<05927> (8686)
thither to the brasen
the LORD
which [was] at the tabernacle
of the congregation
and offered
<05927> (8686)
a thousand
burnt offerings
upon it.

2 Chronicles 2:11

Then Huram
the king
of Tyre
<0559> (8799)
in writing
which he sent
<07971> (8799)
to Solomon
Because the LORD
hath loved
his people
he hath made
<05414> (8804)
thee king
over them.

2 Chronicles 4:16

The pots
also, and the shovels
and the fleshhooks
and all their instruments
did Huram
his father
<06213> (8804)
to king
for the house
of the LORD
of bright
<04838> (8803)
{bright: Heb. made bright, or, scoured}

2 Chronicles 5:5

And they brought up
<05927> (8686)
the ark
and the tabernacle
of the congregation
and all the holy
that [were] in the tabernacle
these did the priests
[and] the Levites
bring up
<05927> (8689)_.

2 Chronicles 5:7

And the priests
brought in
<0935> (8686)
the ark
of the covenant
of the LORD
unto his place
to the oracle
of the house
into the most
[place, even] under the wings
of the cherubims

2 Chronicles 5:10

[There was] nothing in the ark
save the two
which Moses
<05414> (8804)
[therein] at Horeb
when the LORD
<03772> (8804)
[a covenant] with the children
of Israel
when they came out
<03318> (8800)
of Egypt
{when the LORD: or, where, etc}

2 Chronicles 6:8

But the LORD
<0559> (8799)
to David
my father
Forasmuch as it was in thine heart
to build
<01129> (8800)
an house
for my name
thou didst well
<02895> (8689)
in that it was in thine heart

2 Chronicles 7:1

Now when Solomon
had made an end
<03615> (8763)
of praying
<06419> (8692)_,
the fire
came down
<03381> (8804)
from heaven
and consumed
<0398> (8799)
the burnt offering
and the sacrifices
and the glory
of the LORD
<04390> (8804)
the house

2 Chronicles 7:11-12

Thus Solomon
<03615> (8762)
the house
of the LORD
and the king's
and all that came
<0935> (8802)
into Solomon's
to make
<06213> (8800)
in the house
of the LORD
and in his own house
he prosperously effected
<06743> (8689)_.
And the LORD
<07200> (8735)
to Solomon
by night
and said
<0559> (8799)
unto him, I have heard
<08085> (8804)
thy prayer
and have chosen
<0977> (8804)
this place
to myself for an house
of sacrifice

2 Chronicles 8:1

And it came to pass at the end
of twenty
wherein Solomon
had built
<01129> (8804)
the house
of the LORD
and his own house

2 Chronicles 8:16

Now all the work
of Solomon
was prepared
<03559> (8735)
unto the day
of the foundation
of the house
of the LORD
and until it was finished
<03615> (8800)_.
[So] the house
of the LORD
was perfected

2 Chronicles 11:14

For the Levites
<05800> (8804)
their suburbs
and their possession
and came
<03212> (8799)
to Judah
and Jerusalem
for Jeroboam
and his sons
had cast them off
<02186> (8689)
from executing the priest's office
<03547> (8763)
unto the LORD

2 Chronicles 12:1-2

And it came to pass, when Rehoboam
had established
<03559> (8687)
the kingdom
and had strengthened
himself, he forsook
<05800> (8804)
the law
of the LORD
and all Israel
with him.
And it came to pass, [that] in the fifth
of king
of Egypt
came up
<05927> (8804)
against Jerusalem
because they had transgressed
<04603> (8804)
against the LORD

2 Chronicles 12:11-12

And when
the king
<0935> (8800)
into the house
of the LORD
the guard
<07323> (8801)
<0935> (8804)
and fetched
<05375> (8804)
them, and brought them again
<07725> (8689)
into the guard
<07323> (8801)
And when he humbled
<03665> (8736)
himself, the wrath
of the LORD
<07725> (8804)
from him, that he would not destroy
<07843> (8687)
[him] altogether
and also in Judah
went well
{and also...: or, and yet in Judah there were good things}

2 Chronicles 13:14

And when Judah
looked back
<06437> (8799)_,
behold, the battle
[was] before
and behind
and they cried
<06817> (8799)
unto the LORD
and the priests
<02690> (8688) (8675) <02690> (8764)
with the trumpets

2 Chronicles 14:6

And he built
<01129> (8799)
in Judah
for the land
had rest
<08252> (8804)_,
and he had no war
in those years
because the LORD
had given him rest
<05117> (8689)_.

2 Chronicles 14:14

And they smote
<05221> (8686)
all the cities
round about
for the fear
of the LORD
came upon them: and they spoiled
<0962> (8799)
all the cities
for there was exceeding much
in them.

2 Chronicles 15:17

But the high places
were not taken away
<05493> (8804)
out of Israel
nevertheless the heart
of Asa
was perfect
all his days

2 Chronicles 16:2

Then Asa
brought out
<03318> (8686)
and gold
out of the treasures
of the house
of the LORD
and of the king's
and sent
<07971> (8799)
to Benhadad
of Syria
that dwelt
<03427> (8802)
at Damascus
<0559> (8800)_,
{Damascus: Heb. Darmesek}

2 Chronicles 16:8

Were not the Ethiopians
and the Lubims
a huge
with very
<07235> (8687)
and horsemen
yet, because thou didst rely
<08172> (8736)
on the LORD
he delivered
<05414> (8804)
them into thine hand
{a huge: Heb. in abundance}

2 Chronicles 17:3

And the LORD
was with Jehoshaphat
because he walked
<01980> (8804)
in the first
of his father
and sought
<01875> (8804)
not unto Baalim
{of...: or, of his father, and of David}

2 Chronicles 17:5-6

Therefore the LORD
<03559> (8686)
the kingdom
in his hand
and all Judah
<05414> (8799)
to Jehoshaphat
and he had riches
and honour
in abundance
{brought: Heb. gave}
And his heart
was lifted up
<01361> (8799)
in the ways
of the LORD
moreover he took away
<05493> (8689)
the high places
and groves
out of Judah
{was...: that is, was encouraged}

2 Chronicles 17:9-10

And they taught
<03925> (8762)
in Judah
and [had] the book
of the law
of the LORD
with them, and went about
<05437> (8799)
throughout all the cities
of Judah
and taught
<03925> (8762)
the people
And the fear
of the LORD
fell upon all the kingdoms
of the lands
that [were] round about
so that they made no war
<03898> (8738)
against Jehoshaphat
{fell: Heb. was}

2 Chronicles 17:16

And next
him [was] Amasiah
the son
of Zichri
who willingly offered
<05068> (8693)
himself unto the LORD
and with him two hundred
mighty men
of valour

2 Chronicles 18:10-11

And Zedekiah
the son
of Chenaanah
had made
<06213> (8799)
him horns
of iron
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
With these thou shalt push
<05055> (8762)
until they be consumed
<03615> (8763)_.
{they...: Heb. thou consume them}
And all the prophets
<05012> (8737)
so, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
Go up
<05927> (8798)
to Ramothgilead
<07433> <01568>_,
and prosper
<06743> (8685)_:
for the LORD
shall deliver
<05414> (8804)
[it] into the hand
of the king

2 Chronicles 18:17

And the king
of Israel
<0559> (8799)
to Jehoshaphat
Did I not tell
<0559> (8804)
thee [that] he would not prophesy
<05012> (8691)
unto me, but evil
{but evil: or, but for evil}

2 Chronicles 18:19

And the LORD
<0559> (8799)_,
Who shall entice
<06601> (8762)
of Israel
that he may go up
<05927> (8799)
and fall
<05307> (8799)
at Ramothgilead
<07433> <01568>_?
And one spake
<0559> (8799)
<0559> (8802)
after this manner
and another saying
<0559> (8802)
after that manner

2 Chronicles 18:23

Then Zedekiah
the son
of Chenaanah
came near
<05066> (8799)_,
and smote
<05221> (8686)
upon the cheek
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
<05674> (8804)
the Spirit
of the LORD
from me to speak
<01696> (8763)
unto thee?

2 Chronicles 18:27

And Micaiah
<0559> (8799)_,
If thou certainly
<07725> (8800)
<07725> (8799)
in peace
[then] hath not the LORD
<01696> (8765)
by me. And he said
<0559> (8799)_,
<08085> (8798)_,
all ye people

2 Chronicles 19:6

And said
<0559> (8799)
to the judges
<08199> (8802)_,
Take heed
<07200> (8798)
what ye do
<06213> (8802)_:
for ye judge
<08199> (8799)
not for man
but for the LORD
who [is] with you in the judgment
<01697> <04941>_.
{in...: Heb. in the matter of judgment}

2 Chronicles 20:14

Then upon Jahaziel
the son
of Zechariah
the son
of Benaiah
the son
of Jeiel
the son
of Mattaniah
a Levite
of the sons
of Asaph
came the Spirit
of the LORD
in the midst
of the congregation

2 Chronicles 20:18

And Jehoshaphat
<06915> (8799)
his head with [his] face
to the ground
and all Judah
and the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Jerusalem
<05307> (8804)
the LORD
<07812> (8692)
the LORD

2 Chronicles 20:22

And when
they began
<02490> (8689)
to sing
and to praise
the LORD
<05414> (8804)
<0693> (8764)
against the children
of Ammon
and mount
which were come
<0935> (8802)
against Judah
and they were smitten
<05062> (8735)_.
{And when...: Heb. And in the time that they, etc} {to sing...: Heb. in singing and praise} {they were...: or, they smote one another}

2 Chronicles 20:26-27

And on the fourth
they assembled
<06950> (8738)
themselves in the valley
of Berachah
for there they blessed
<01288> (8765)
the LORD
therefore the name
of the same place
was called
<07121> (8804)_,
The valley
of Berachah
unto this day
{Berachah: that is, blessing}
Then they returned
<07725> (8799)_,
every man
of Judah
and Jerusalem
and Jehoshaphat
in the forefront
of them, to go again
<07725> (8800)
to Jerusalem
with joy
for the LORD
had made them to rejoice
<08055> (8765)
over their enemies
<0341> (8802)_.
{forefront: Heb. head}

2 Chronicles 20:32

And he walked
<03212> (8799)
in the way
of Asa
his father
and departed
<05493> (8804)
not from it, doing
<06213> (8800)
[that which was] right
in the sight
of the LORD

2 Chronicles 21:6-7

And he walked
<03212> (8799)
in the way
of the kings
of Israel
like as did
<06213> (8804)
the house
of Ahab
for he had the daughter
of Ahab
to wife
and he wrought
<06213> (8799)
[that which was] evil
in the eyes
of the LORD
Howbeit the LORD
<014> (8804)
not destroy
<07843> (8687)
the house
of David
because of the covenant
that he had made
<03772> (8804)
with David
and as he promised
<0559> (8804)
to give
<05414> (8800)
a light
to him and to his sons
for ever
{light: Heb. lamp, or, candle}

2 Chronicles 21:14

Behold, with a great
will the LORD
<05062> (8802)
thy people
and thy children
and thy wives
and all thy goods
{a great...: Heb. a great stroke}

2 Chronicles 22:4

Wherefore he did
<06213> (8799)
in the sight
of the LORD
like the house
of Ahab
for they were his counsellors
<03289> (8802)
the death
of his father
to his destruction

2 Chronicles 23:5

And a third part
[shall be] at the king's
and a third part
at the gate
of the foundation
and all the people
[shall be] in the courts
of the house
of the LORD

2 Chronicles 23:19

And he set
<05975> (8686)
the porters
at the gates
of the house
of the LORD
that none [which was] unclean
in any thing
should enter in
<0935> (8799)_.

2 Chronicles 28:11

Now hear
<08085> (8798)
me therefore, and deliver
<07725> (8685)
the captives
again, which ye have taken captive
<07617> (8804)
of your brethren
for the fierce
of the LORD
[is] upon you.

2 Chronicles 28:21

For Ahaz
took away a portion
<02505> (8804)
[out] of the house
of the LORD
and [out] of the house
of the king
and of the princes
and gave
<05414> (8799)
[it] unto the king
of Assyria
but he helped
him not.

2 Chronicles 29:3

He in the first
of his reign
<04427> (8800)_,
in the first
<06605> (8804)
the doors
of the house
of the LORD
and repaired
<02388> (8762)

2 Chronicles 29:8

Wherefore the wrath
of the LORD
was upon Judah
and Jerusalem
and he hath delivered
<05414> (8799)
them to trouble
<02189> (8675) <02113>_,
to astonishment
and to hissing
as ye see
<07200> (8802)
with your eyes
{trouble: Heb. commotion}

2 Chronicles 29:11

My sons
be not now negligent
<07952> (8735)_:
for the LORD
hath chosen
<0977> (8804)
you to stand
<05975> (8800)
him, to serve
<08334> (8763)
him, and that ye should minister
<08334> (8764)
unto him, and burn incense
<06999> (8688)_.
{be not...: or, be not now deceived} {burn...: or, offer sacrifice}

2 Chronicles 29:19

Moreover all the vessels
which king
in his reign
did cast away
<02186> (8689)
in his transgression
have we prepared
<03559> (8689)
and sanctified
<06942> (8689)_,
and, behold, they [are] before
the altar
of the LORD

2 Chronicles 29:32

And the number
of the burnt offerings
which the congregation
<0935> (8689)_,
was threescore and ten
an hundred
[and] two hundred
all these [were] for a burnt offering
to the LORD

2 Chronicles 29:35

And also the burnt offerings
[were] in abundance
with the fat
of the peace offerings
and the drink offerings
for [every] burnt offering
So the service
of the house
of the LORD
was set in order
<03559> (8735)_.

2 Chronicles 30:14-15

And they arose
<06965> (8799)
and took away
<05493> (8686)
the altars
that [were] in Jerusalem
and all the altars for incense
took they away
<05493> (8689)_,
and cast
<07993> (8686)
[them] into the brook
Then they killed
<07819> (8799)
the passover
on the fourteenth
<0702> <06240>
[day] of the second
and the priests
and the Levites
were ashamed
<03637> (8738)_,
and sanctified
<06942> (8691)
themselves, and brought in
<0935> (8686)
the burnt offerings
into the house
of the LORD

2 Chronicles 31:4

Moreover he commanded
<0559> (8799)
the people
that dwelt
<03427> (8802)
in Jerusalem
to give
<05414> (8800)
the portion
of the priests
and the Levites
that they might be encouraged
<02388> (8799)
in the law
of the LORD

2 Chronicles 32:22-24

Thus the LORD
<03467> (8686)
and the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Jerusalem
from the hand
of Sennacherib
the king
of Assyria
and from the hand
of all [other], and guided
<05095> (8762)
them on every side
And many
<0935> (8688)
unto the LORD
to Jerusalem
and presents
to Hezekiah
of Judah
so that he was magnified
<05375> (8735)
in the sight
of all nations
from thenceforth
{presents: Heb. precious things}
In those days
was sick
<02470> (8804)
to the death
<04191> (8800)_,
and prayed
<06419> (8691)
unto the LORD
and he spake
<0559> (8799)
unto him, and he gave
<05414> (8804)
him a sign
{gave...: or, wrought a miracle for him}

2 Chronicles 32:26

Notwithstanding Hezekiah
<03665> (8735)
himself for the pride
of his heart
[both] he and the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Jerusalem
so that the wrath
of the LORD
<0935> (8804)
not upon them in the days
of Hezekiah
{pride: Heb. lifting up}

2 Chronicles 33:4

Also he built
<01129> (8804)
in the house
of the LORD
whereof the LORD
had said
<0559> (8804)_,
In Jerusalem
shall my name
be for ever

2 Chronicles 33:9

So Manasseh
<08582> (0)
and the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Jerusalem
to err
<08582> (8686)_,
[and] to do
<06213> (8800)
than the heathen
whom the LORD
had destroyed
<08045> (8689)
the children
of Israel

2 Chronicles 33:11

Wherefore the LORD
<0935> (8686)
upon them the captains of
the host of
the king
of Assyria
which took
<03920> (8799)
among the thorns
and bound him
<0631> (8799)
with fetters
and carried
<03212> (8686)
him to Babylon
{of the king: Heb. which were the king's} {fetters: or, chains}

2 Chronicles 33:22-23

But he did
<06213> (8799)
[that which was] evil
in the sight
of the LORD
as did
<06213> (8804)
his father
for Amon
<02076> (8765)
unto all the carved images
which Manasseh
his father
had made
<06213> (8804)_,
and served
<05647> (8799)
And humbled
<03665> (8738)
not himself before
the LORD
as Manasseh
his father
had humbled
<03665> (8736)
himself; but Amon
more and more
<07235> (8689)_.
{trespassed more and more: Heb. multiplied trespass}

2 Chronicles 34:2

And he did
<06213> (8799)
[that which was] right
in the sight
of the LORD
and walked
<03212> (8799)
in the ways
of David
his father
and declined
<05493> (8804)
[neither] to the right hand
nor to the left

2 Chronicles 34:7

And when he had broken down
<05422> (8762)
the altars
and the groves
and had beaten
<03807> (8765)
the graven images
into powder
<01854> (8687)_,
and cut down
<01438> (8765)
all the idols
throughout all the land
of Israel
he returned
<07725> (8799)
to Jerusalem
{into...: Heb. to make powder}

2 Chronicles 34:10-11

And they put
<05414> (8799)
[it] in the hand
of the workmen
<06213> (8802) <04399>
that had the oversight
<06485> (8716)
of the house
of the LORD
and they gave
<05414> (8799)
it to the workmen
<06213> (8802) <04399>
that wrought
<06213> (8802)
in the house
of the LORD
to repair
<0918> (8800)
and amend
<02388> (8763)
the house
Even to the artificers
and builders
<01129> (8802)
<05414> (8799)
they [it], to buy
<07069> (8800)
and timber
for couplings
and to floor
<07136> (8763)
the houses
which the kings
of Judah
had destroyed
<07843> (8689)_.
{to floor: or, to rafter}

2 Chronicles 34:14

And when they brought out
<03318> (8687)
the money
that was brought into
<0935> (8716)
the house
of the LORD
the priest
<04672> (8804)
a book
of the law
of the LORD
[given] by
{by: Heb. by the hand of}

2 Chronicles 34:24

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, I will bring
<0935> (8688)
upon this place
and upon the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
thereof, [even] all the curses
that are written
<03789> (8803)
in the book
which they have read
<07121> (8804)
the king
of Judah

2 Chronicles 35:1

Moreover Josiah
<06213> (8799)
a passover
unto the LORD
in Jerusalem
and they killed
<07819> (8799)
the passover
on the fourteenth
<0702> <06240>
[day] of the first

2 Chronicles 35:6

So kill
<07819> (8798)
the passover
and sanctify
<06942> (8690)
yourselves, and prepare
<03559> (8685)
your brethren
that [they] may do
<06213> (8800)
according to the word
of the LORD
by the hand
of Moses

2 Chronicles 36:9

[was] eight
when he began to reign
<04427> (8800)_,
and he reigned
<04427> (8804)
and ten
in Jerusalem
and he did
<06213> (8799)
[that which was] evil
in the sight
of the LORD

2 Chronicles 36:21

To fulfil
<04390> (8763)
the word
of the LORD
by the mouth
of Jeremiah
until the land
had enjoyed
<07521> (8804)
her sabbaths
[for] as long as
she lay desolate
<08074> (8715)
she kept sabbath
<07673> (8804)_,
to fulfil
<04390> (8763)
threescore and ten

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