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NETBible: Strong -- 0776

'erets <0776>

Ura 'erets

Origin:from an unused root probably meaning to be firm
Reference:TWOT - 167
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:Urah 933, Ura 487, Urab 422, Uram 160, hura 93, Ural 55, twurah 44, Urahw 38, wura 32, Uraw 25, Mura 24, Kura 21, twurab 14, Kurab 14, Urabw 12, yura 11, Mkura 11, Murab 10, wural 10, twura 8, wuram 7, Mkurab 7, Uramw 7, Urak 7, Urahm 5, wnurab 4, wurab 4, yurab 4, Mturab 3, turah 3, Kural 2, hural 2, Kuralw 2, Kuram 2, turab 2, Mkurak 2, wnura 2, qdu 1, tmda 1, yuralw 1, Muram 1, huraw 1, wuramw 1, Mkurabw 1, wnuraw 1, twuram 1, Muralw 1, Kuraw 1, twuramw 1, *Urah {Ura} 1, Uralw 1
In NET:land 1436, earth 546, ground 152, lands 54, country 28, territory 25, countries 19, earth's 13, world 9, region 9, homeland 8, wild 8, local 6, area 5, neighboring 5, nations 4, place 4, floor 3, citizens 3, soil 3, areas 2, landed 2, land's 2, surrounding 2, towns 2, regions 2, northland 2, home 2, downward 1, entire 1, earth's surface 1, Canaan 1, dry desert 1, die 1, all 1, Negev 1, Syria 1, army 1, everywhere 1, district 1, dirt-covered 1, Israel 1, Egypt 1, you 1, surrounding lands 1, spot 1, resident 1, prematurely 1, them 1, underworld 1, wild animals 1, way 1, valley 1, places 1, northern 1, inhabitants 1, homelands 1, fields 1, fell to the ground unfulfilled 1, inhabited world 1, midair 1, netherworld 1, nearby 1, nation 1, exile 1
In AV:land 1543, earth 712, country 140, ground 98, world 4, way 3, common 1, field 1, nations 1, wilderness + 04057 1
Definition:1) land, earth
1a) earth
1a1) whole earth (as opposed to a part)
1a2) earth (as opposed to heaven)
1a3) earth (inhabitants)
1b) land
1b1) country, territory
1b2) district, region
1b3) tribal territory
1b4) piece of ground
1b5) land of Canaan, Israel
1b6) inhabitants of land
1b7) Sheol, land without return, (under) world
1b8) city (-state)
1c) ground, surface of the earth
1c1) ground
1c2) soil
1d) (in phrases)
1d1) people of the land
1d2) space or distance of country (in measurements of distance)
1d3) level or plain country
1d4) land of the living
1d5) end(s) of the earth
1e) (almost wholly late in usage)
1e1) lands, countries
1e1a) often in contrast to Canaan
from an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth
(at large, or partitively a land):-X common, country, earth,
field, ground, land, X natins, way, + wilderness, world.

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