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NETBible: Strong -- 05656

`abodah <05656>

hdbe `abodah or hdwbe `abowdah

Pronunciation:ab-o-daw' ab-o-daw'
Origin:from 05647
Reference:TWOT - 1553c
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:tdbe 29, hdbe 18, hdbeh 13, Mtdbe 12, wtdbe 12, tdwbe 9, tdbel 8, hdbel 5, hdwbe 3, hdwbew 3, hdwbeh 3, hdbeb 2, tdbem 2, tdbew 2, tdbeb 2, Mtdbel 2, tdwbel 2, Mktdbe 1, tdwbew 1, wtdbelw 1, Mktdbem 1, wtdbel 1, Mtdwbel 1, ytdbe 1, Mtdbem 1, Mtdwbe 1, Mtdbeb 1, tdwbek 1, tdwbeb 1, hdbemw 1, hdwbel 1, hdbew 1, tdbelw 1, ytdwbe 1, wntdbe 1
In NET:service 56, work 27, regular 7, ordinary 5, labor 5, responsibilities 4, tasks 4, ceremony 3, jobs 2, duties 2, served 2, task 2, types 2, slave labor 2, serving 2, Preparations 1, assigned tasks 1, farmed 1, cultivate 1, completion 1, construction 1, honor 1, prescribed use 1, serve 1, worked 1, workers 1, responsibility 1, workload 1, peace 1, posts 1, oppression 1
In AV:service 96, servile 12, work 10, bondage 8, act 2, serve 2, servitude 2, tillage 2, effect 1, labour 1, misc 5
Definition:1) labour, service
1a) labour, work
1b) labour (of servant or slave)
1c) labour, service (of captives or subjects)
1d) service (of God)
or mabowdah {ab-o-daw'}; from 5647; work of any kind:-act,
bondage, + bondservant, effect, labour, ministering(-try),
office, service(-ile, -itude), tillage, use, work, X wrought.
see HEBREW for 05647

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