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NETBible: Strong -- 01

'ab <01>

ba 'ab

Origin:a root
Reference:TWOT - 4a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:yba 196, wyba 193, Kyba 105, wytba 73, Mtba 44, Mtwba 41, twbah 36, twba 35, Mhyba 35, Mkytwba 32, hyba 31, ba 31, Kytba 23, wnytba 23, Mkytba 20, wnyba 19, Mhytwba 18, wybal 15, wnytwba 15, Kytbal 13, bal 13, Mkyba 12, Mtwbal 11, Mkytbal 10, wybaw 9, ytba 8, Mhytba 8, Nhyba 7, wnytbal 7, whyba 7, ybal 7, ytwba 6, ybaw 6, Kybal 5, wnytbaw 4, wnybam 3, wybalw 3, hybal 3, Mtbal 3, wytwba 3, Mkytwbal 3, wnybal 3, wnytbalw 3, Mtwbam 3, Mkytwbalw 3, Kytwba 3, bah 3, Kytbaw 3, wytbal 2, Mtwbak 2, Mtwbaw 2, Nkybaw 2, Kybam 2, twbal 2, Mkytwbaw 2, twbaw 2, Mhytwbal 2, Mkytwbak 2, wnytwbaw 2, twbahw 2, Nkyba 2, tba 2, Kytbam 1, Mkytbabw 1, ytbam 1, Mhytbaw 1, ytwbaw 1, Mhytwbalw 1, Mkytbak 1, hybaw 1, Mktwba 1, tybl 1, bakw 1, Mkytwbab 1, Mkytbalw 1, Kytbalw 1, Kybaw 1, wybak 1, Mhytbal 1, Mkytwbam 1, Mkytbaw 1, Kytbab 1, Mhybal 1, Mhytbalw 1, bak 1, Nhybam 1, Mhybaw 1, Mhytwbaw 1, baw 1
In NET:father 510, ancestors 230, father's 123, fathers 77, families 61, family 38, passed away 35, ancestor 29, ancestral 9, clans 7, leaders 7, parents 5, Fathers 4, predecessors 4, tribe 3, adviser 3, ancestor's 3, die 3, Abi 2, first 2, family groups 2, clan 2, connection 2, forefathers 2, master 2, them 2, grandfathers 2, tribal 2, previous one 1, protector 1, sons 1, Parents 1, tribes 1, Father 1, and 1, their 1, our 1, family's inheritance 1, grandfather's 1, grandfather 1, groups 1, his parents 1, uncles 1, leader 1, king 1, away 1
In AV:father 1205, chief 2, families 2, desire 1, fatherless + 0369 1, forefathers + 07223 1, patrimony 1, prince 1, principal 1
Definition:1) father of an individual
2) of God as father of his people
3) head or founder of a household, group, family, or clan
4) ancestor
4a) grandfather, forefathers -- of person
4b) of people
5) originator or patron of a class, profession, or art
6) of producer, generator (fig.)
7) of benevolence and protection (fig.)
8) term of respect and honour
9) ruler or chief (spec.)
a primitive word; father, in a literal and immediate, or
figurative and remote application):-chief,
(fore-)father(-less), X patrimony, principal. Compare names
in "Abi-".

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