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NETBible: Strong -- 02077

zebach <02077>

xbz zebach

Origin:from 02076
Reference:TWOT - 525a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:xbz 60, yxbz 19, xbzlw 14, Myxbz 11, xbzm 7, xbzl 6, yxbzm 5, xbzh 4, Mhyxbz 4, Mkyxbzw 3, xbzb 3, Kyxbz 3, xbzw 3, Myxbzw 3, Mkyxbz 3, Myxbzh 2, Kyxbzw 1, wxbzm 1, Mhyxbzw 1, wmyxbz 1, xbzhw 1, Mkxbz 1, wnyxbzbw 1, Myxbzhw 1, Mtwxbzm 1, wxbz 1, yxbzl 1, yxbzb 1
In NET:sacrifice 73, sacrifices 62, slaughter 3, offering 2, offer 1, idolatrous worship 1, gifts 1, burning 1, feasting 1, offer up as a sacrifice 1, offerings 1, sacrificial meal 1, sacrificial 1, sacrifices offered 1, tokens of peace 1, offering sacrifice 1
In AV:sacrifice 155, offerings 6, offer 1
Definition:1) sacrifice
1a) sacrifices of righteousness
1b) sacrifices of strife
1c) sacrifices to dead things
1d) the covenant sacrifice
1e) the passover
1f) annual sacrifice
1g) thank offering
from 2076; properly, a slaughter, i.e. the flesh of an
animal; by implication, a sacrifice (the victim or the
act):-offer(- ing), sacrifice.
see HEBREW for 02076

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