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NETBible: Strong -- 06343

pachad <06343>

dxp pachad

Origin:from 06342
Reference:TWOT - 1756a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:dxp 24, dxpm 7, dxpw 4, Mkdxp 3, Mdxp 2, dxph 2, Mydxp 1, dxpl 1, dxpb 1, wdxp 1, Kdxpm 1, Kdxp 1, wdxpw 1
In NET:fear 11, dread 7, terror 7, dreadful judgment 2, Terror 2, afraid 2, terrified 2, terrors 2, disaster 1, awesome might 1, Respect 1, Panic 1, Terrifying 1, very thing 1, panic 1, terrifying 1, horrified 1, fears 1, unconcerned 1, feared 1, dreadful 1
In AV:fear 40, dread 3, great 2, terror 2, dreadful 1, greatly 1
Definition:1) terror, dread
1a) dread
1b) object of dread
from 6342; a (sudden) alarm (properly, the object feared, by
implication, the feeling):-dread(-ful), fear, (thing) great
(fear, -ly feared), terror.
see HEBREW for 06342

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