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NETBible: Strong -- 06242

`esriym <06242>

Myrs `esriym

Origin:from 06235
Reference:TWOT - 1711e
PrtSpch:noun masculine/feminime
In Hebrew:Myrve 204, Myrvew 94, Myrveb 11, Myrveh 3, Myrvek 2, Myrvel 1
In NET:twenty 82, 24,000 15, 30 feet 15, twenty-five 14, eight and a quarter miles 14, twenty-fourth 10, twenty-two 10, twentieth 9, 120,000 8, 120 7, twenty-seventh 6, twenty-nine 6, 35 feet 6, twenty-third 6, 20,000 6, twenty-three 5, 22,000 4, twenty-one 4, twenty-seven 3, twenty-second 3, thirty feet 3, twenty-first 3, 128 3, 123 3, twenty-fifth 3, twenty-four 3, 43¾ feet 3, forty-two feet 2, 20 2, 43¾ 2, twenty-eight 2, 6,720 2, 29 2, Sixty 2, feet 2, 621 2, 220 2, 122 2, 320 2, 223 2, 22,273 1, 22,200 1, 22,600 1, 23,000 1, 725 1, 24 1, 1,222 1, 22,034 1, 20,800 1, 20,200 1, 2,322 1, 25,100 1, 323 1, 20,000 baths 1, 27,000 1, eight ounces 1, 628 1, Twenty-two 1, 324 1, twenty-five men 1, 822 1, 623 1, twenty-six 1, twenty-sixth 1, 3,023 1, 28,600 1, 928 1, 28 1, 127 1, 328 1, 721 1, 26,000 1
In AV:twenty 278, twentieth 36, sixscore + 03967 1
Definition:1) twenty, twentieth
from 6235; twenty; also (ordinal) twentieth:-(six-)score,
see HEBREW for 06235

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