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NETBible: Strong -- 0802

'ishshah <0802>

hva 'ishshah

Origin:from 0376 or 0582
Reference:TWOT - 137a
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hsa 147, hsah 102, tsa 98, wtsa 66, hsal 58, Mysn 55, Mysnh 40, hsaw 22, Mysnl 16, wysn 14, wtsaw 14, Ktsa 12, ysn 11, ytsa 11, Mhysn 10, Mysnw 9, Mysnhw 9, Mhysnw 9, Mkysn 7, tsaw 6, hsahw 5, tsam 5, Mysnb 4, Kysn 4, ysnw 4, Ktsaw 3, Mysnk 3, hsam 3, wnysn 3, Mysnm 3, wtsal 3, ysnm 2, hsak 2, tsabw 2, Kysnw 2, hsalw 2, Kysnbw 1, Mkysnw 1, wysnl 1, wtsabw 1, tsal 1, wysnw 1, hsab 1, wnysnw 1, hsabw 1, ytsal 1, wtsab 1, wtsalw 1, ysnl 1, Mkysnlw 1, hsyal 1
In NET:wife 268, woman 182, wives 107, women 96, woman's 8, marry 7, married 5, widow 5, mother 5, wife's 5, harem 5, mate 3, marriage 3, bride 3, her 2, one 2, creditors 1, each 1, fiancée 1, women's 1, be married 1, Marry 1, adulteress 1, babies 1, widows 1, sister-in-law 1, period 1, none 1, young women 1, menopause 1, prostitute 1, she 1, prostitutes 1, prostitute's 1, other prostitutes 1
In AV:wife 425, woman 324, one 10, married 5, female 2, misc 14
Definition:1) woman, wife, female
1a) woman (opposite of man)
1b) wife (woman married to a man)
1c) female (of animals)
1d) each, every (pronoun)
feminine of 376 or 582; irregular plural, nashiym
{naw-sheem'}; a woman (used in the same wide sense as
582):-(adulter)ess, each, every, female, X many, + none,
one, + together, wife, woman. Often unexpressed in English.
see HEBREW for 0376
see HEBREW for 0582
see HEBREW for 0582

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