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NETBible: Strong -- 08141

shaneh (in pl. only), <08141>

hnv shaneh (in pl. only), or (fem.) hnv shanah

Pronunciation:shaw-neh' shaw-naw'
Origin:from 08138
Reference:TWOT - 2419a
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hns 419, Myns 125, tnsb 71, hnsb 66, tns 31, hnsh 24, yns 19, wtns 17, hnsbw 12, Mytns 11, tnsbw 10, Mynsh 10, twns 7, hnsl 4, hnsw 4, tnsm 3, ynsw 3, Mynsb 3, wyns 3, htns 3, Kytwns 3, ynsk 2, ytwns 2, Mynsw 2, Mynsl 2, twnsw 2, *hnsb {tnsb} 2, Mytnsl 1, hnsk 1, Mhynsw 1, wnytwns 1, ytwnsw 1, Kytwnsw 1, tnsw 1, tnsb P 1, tnsl 1, wytwns 1, *Myns {hns} 1, hnsbw o 1, Mtwnsw 1, Kytnsw 1, Mynskw 1, wnyns 1
In NET:years 467, year 318, annual 7, annually 6, time 6, yearling 5, age 4, spring 3, Year 3, old 3, consecutive years 2, length 2, day 2, annual basis 2, yearly 2, year's 2, first year 1, days 1, a year 1, arrived 1, came 1, full life 1, lived 1, terror 1, span 1, times 1, total 1, year-old 1, seventeen-year-old 1, next 1, jubilee 1, lifetime 1, 110 1, lives 1, generations 1
In AV:year 797, not translated 55, yearly 3, yearly + 08141 2, year + 01121 1, live + 02416 1, old + 02416 + 03117 1, misc 4
Definition:1) year
1a) as division of time
1b) as measure of time
1c) as indication of age
1d) a lifetime (of years of life)
(in plura or (feminine) shanah {shaw-naw'}; from 8138; a year
(as a revolution of time):-+ whole age, X long, + old,
year(X -ly).
see HEBREW for 08138

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