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NETBible: Strong -- 05612

cepher <05612>

rpo cepher or (fem.) hrpo ciphrah (\\#Ps 56:8\\)

Pronunciation:say'-fer sif-raw'
Origin:from 05608
Reference:TWOT - 1540a 1540b
PrtSpch:noun feminime, noun masculine
In Hebrew:rpo 96, rpob 33, rpoh 29, Myrpo 11, Myrpoh 4, Myrpob 3, Myrpow 1, *rpo {rpoh} 1, *Myrpo {Myrpoh} 1, rpow 1, rpok 1, Ktrpob 1, Krpom 1, rpom 1, yrpom 1, Krpo 1
In NET:scroll 101, book 15, letter 14, Scroll 11, letters 7, Book 5, deed 5, read 3, books 2, papers 2, Letters 2, literature 2, orders 2, copy 1, certificate 1, written orders 1, indictment 1, officially 1, record 1, records 1, wrote 1, signed 1, document 1, documents 1, deeds 1
In AV:book 138, letter 29, evidence 8, bill 4, learning 2, register 1, learned + 03045 1, scroll 1
Definition:n f
1) book

n m
2) missive, document, writing, book
2a) missive
2a1) letter (of instruction), written order, commission,
request, written decree
2b) legal document, certificate of divorce, deed of purchase,
indictment, sign
2c) book, scroll
2c1) book of prophecies
2c2) genealogical register
2c3) law-book
2c4) book (of poems)
2c5) book (of kings)
2c6) books of the canon, scripture
2c7) record book (of God)
2d) book-learning, writing
2d1) be able to read (after verb 'to know')
or (feminine) ciphrah (Psa. 56:8 (9)) {sif-raw'}; from 5608;
properly, writing (the art or a document); by implication, a
book:-bill, book, evidence, X learn(-ed) (-ing), letter,
register, scroll.
see HEBREW for 09
see HEBREW for 05608

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