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NETBible: Strong -- 07725

shuwb <07725>

bwv shuwb

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 2340
In Hebrew:bsyw 122, wbsyw 52, bwsy 50, bs 40, bsw 34, bws 33, bwst 33, byshl 31, wbws 25, bwsl 24, bysh 22, bysa 22, bysy 21, wbwsy 18, wbs 18, bsh 17, wbsw 16, bstw 15, bwsa 14, byshw 14, wbwsyw 14, wnbysa 12, bysm 11, ybws 11, byst 10, ytbshw 9, wbysh 9, ytbsw 9, bwsb 9, Mtbsw 9, wbyshw 9, bwsw 9, hbws 8, Nwbwsy 7, wbsy 7, bsy 7, Mtbs 7, hbwsaw 6, bst 6, Mytbshw 6, hbysaw 6, wbysyw 6, hbs 6, wbwsw 6, ynbysh 6, hbwsnw 5, wnbysh 5, ybwsb 5, wbst 5, wbwst 4, ytbs 4, bshw 4, bwsaw 4, bwsbw 4, hbsw 4, bwsn 4, wbstw 4, hnbysy 4, wbysy 4, tbsw 4, Mbyshl 3, Nwbsy 3, hbsh 3, whbysyw 3, *bysy {bwsy} 3, hbysh 3, *bysa {bwsa} 3, wnbyst 3, hnbs 3, wnbysy 3, bwslw 3, hbwsa 3, bysaw 3, bsmw 2, ynbyst 2, tbshw 2, ynbshw 2, whbsyw 2, wbyst 2, ynbsyw 2, Kbws 2, Kytbshw 2, wbyshl 2, bysn 2, Mybs 2, Nbst 2, bysnw 2, whbyshw 2, bsaw 2, Kbyshw 2, wnbs 2, hbyshl 2, Mybsh 2, Kbysa 2, ybysm 2, Mtbsh 2, *bwsy {bysy} 2, bswmh 2, whbsh 1, ybbwsb 1, bswyw 1, Mtwbyshw 1, bwsnh 1, tbs 1, Mybysm 1, bbsm 1, ybs 1, bswh 1, ynbysy 1, *hbwsnw {bwsnw} 1, *bsyw {bwsyw} 1, Nwbwst 1, Mytwbswhw 1, hbysyw 1, hnbysa 1, ynbyshw 1, Mbyst 1, twbysh 1, hybsw 1, bysml 1, ybslw 1, wbsh 1, Kbysaw 1, bwskw 1, bsnw 1, Nwbst 1, Kytbbwsw 1, Mwbyshw 1, ynbwsb 1, Mwbshw 1, Mytwbyshw 1, Mkbwsb 1, *bsnw {bwsnw} 1, Nbwst 1, ynwbysy 1, wtbshw 1, tbysm 1, wnbws 1, *hbyshl {wbyshl} 1, Kytbyshw 1, bshh 1, bwsyh 1, Mwbsyw 1, bysmk 1, ynbst 1, bwsk 1, tbbwsm 1, *Mvyw {bsyw} 1, bsyw o 1, bwsnw 1, bwsm 1, *wbwsw {ybsw} 1, hnbst 1, bbwsy 1, Ktbbws 1, Mtbyshw 1, *ybwst {wbwst} 1, hnbstw 1, Mybswm 1, wbsb 1, hbsnw 1, ybst 1, hnybst 1, Kytbbsw 1, hbsyw 1, ytwbyshw 1, Mbysyw 1, bbwst 1, bbwsl 1, hbbws 1, Mytbyshw 1, byshlw 1, ytbbsw 1, Mtbshw 1, wbwsb 1
In NET:return 153, back 116, returned 95, turn 44, restore 31, again 25, Return 24, turned 17, restored 16, bring back 12, went back 11, returns 10, come back 9, brought back 8, turn back 7, Turn 6, go back 6, reverse 6, repay 6, repent 6, refuse 6, revoke 6, turns 6, change 5, turned back 5, subside 5, bring 5, answer 5, turned away 5, go 5, came back 4, come 4, Come back 4, bringing back 4, refund 4, repaid 4, respond 4, ever turn away 4, restores 4, returning 4, turn away 4, take back 4, stop doing 4, Go back 4, stop 3, go home 3, attack 3, turn around 3, reply 3, relent 3, give back 3, reparation 2, Be sure to return 2, turns away 2, become 2, repay in full 2, paid 2, reestablish 2, home 2, went home 2, Relent 2, pay back 2, withdraw 2, Pay back 2, tell 2, surely return 2, left 2, really do return 2, turned around 2, send back 2, sent 2, put back 2, Turn back 2, Bring back 2, Send back 2, turning back 2, encourage 2, gave 2, prevent 2, withdrew 2, subsided 2, started back 2, drew back 1, escape 1, driven back 1, gone back 1, gives 1, dismissed 1, go unanswered 1, gives back 1, go away 1, give answers 1, gifts 1, fall 1, gone down 1, from 1, further 1, gave back 1, execute 1, back again 1, Take 1, Restore 1, abandon 1, all the way 1, attacked 1, ate 1, Rescue 1, Repent 1, Bring 1, Again 1, Condemn 1, Give back 1, Put back 1, away 1, grant 1, change of heart 1, cease 1, change ways 1, continue 1, defend 1, crossing back 1, cannot really be 1, brought away 1, backward and forward 1, back and forth 1, became 1, becomes victim 1, break 1, disappear 1, plotting 1, retrieved 1, retreat 1, restoring 1, reveal 1, revoked 1, sending 1, send as tribute 1, rework 1, responded 1, rescued 1, rendered 1, remarry 1, remain inactive 1, reopened 1, repented 1, rescinded 1, repudiate 1, reported 1, sheathed 1, shift 1, turn into 1, traveled back 1, travel back 1, turn to leave 1, turned right around 1, went 1, venting 1, turned toward 1, took back 1, thinks 1, stopped 1, stop living 1, stay 1, stops doing 1, subsides 1, then 1, take 1, reliable 1, refreshes 1, makes 1, make a distinction 1, make 1, observe 1, once more 1, passed 1, paid attention 1, overturns 1, made 1, leave 1, hold back 1, headed back 1, head back 1, holds back 1, invited 1, kept 1, keep alive 1, just 1, pay 1, persist 1, receive 1, receding 1, rebuilt 1, reconsider 1, recovered 1, refreshed 1, refrained 1, reflect 1, rebels 1, ration 1, preserves 1, without fail 1, pledge 1, pull back 1, punish 1, put 1, punished 1, grant a reprieve 1
In AV:return 391, ...again 248, turn 123, ...back 65, ...away 56, restore 39, bring 34, render 19, answer 18, recompense 8, recover 6, deliver 5, put 5, withdraw 5, requite 4, misc 40
Definition:1) to return, turn back
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to turn back, return
1a1a) to turn back
1a1b) to return, come or go back
1a1c) to return unto, go back, come back
1a1d) of dying
1a1e) of human relations (fig)
1a1f) of spiritual relations (fig)
1a1f1) to turn back (from God), apostatise
1a1f2) to turn away (of God)
1a1f3) to turn back (to God), repent
1a1f4) turn back (from evil)
1a1g) of inanimate things
1a1h) in repetition
1b) (Polel)
1b1) to bring back
1b2) to restore, refresh, repair (fig)
1b3) to lead away (enticingly)
1b4) to show turning, apostatise
1c) (Pual) restored (participle)
1d) (Hiphil) to cause to return, bring back
1d1) to bring back, allow to return, put back, draw back, give
back, restore, relinquish, give in payment
1d2) to bring back, refresh, restore
1d3) to bring back, report to, answer
1d4) to bring back, make requital, pay (as recompense)
1d5) to turn back or backward, repel, defeat, repulse, hinder,
reject, refuse
1d6) to turn away (face), turn toward
1d7) to turn against
1d8) to bring back to mind
1d9) to show a turning away
1d10) to reverse, revoke
1e) (Hophal) to be returned, be restored, be brought back
1f) (Pulal) brought back
a primitive root; to turn back (hence, away) transitively or
intransitively, literally or figuratively (not necessarily
with the idea of return to the starting point); generally to
retreat; often adverbial, again:-((break, build, circumcise,
dig, do anything, do evil, feed, lay down, lie down, lodge,
make, rejoice, send, take, weep)) X again, (cause to) answer
(+ again), X in any case (wise), X at all, averse, bring
(again, back, home again), call (to mind), carry again (back),
cease, X certainly, come again (back), X consider, +
continually, convert, deliver (again), + deny, draw back,
fetch home again, X fro, get (oneself) (back) again, X give
(again), go again (back, home), (go) out, hinder, let, (see)
more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put
(again, up again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh,
relieve, render (again), requite, rescue, restore, retrieve,
(cause to, make to) return, reverse, reward, + say nay, send
back, set again, slide back, still, X surely, take back (off),
(cause to, make to) turn (again, self again, away, back, back
again, backward, from, off), withdraw.

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