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NETBible: Strong -- 07393

rekeb <07393>

bkr rekeb

Origin:from 07392
Reference:TWOT - 2163a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:bkr 42, bkrh 29, bkrw 12, wbkr 11, bkrb 6, wbkrb 6, bkrl 3, ybkr 2, bkrbw 2, wbkrlw 1, wbkrl 1, *brb {bkrb} 1, hbkr 1, bkrk 1, ybkrb 1, wbkrbw 1
In NET:chariots 71, chariot 22, charioteers 4, chariotry 3, chariot horses 2, riders 2, Chariots 1, chariot force 1, charioteer 1, horsemen 1, stallions 1, upper millstone 1, same number 1, rider 1, millstone 1, upper millstones 1
In AV:chariot 115, millstone 3, wagons 1, variant 1
Definition:1) a team, chariot, chariotry, mill-stone, riders
1a) chariotry, chariots
1b) chariot (single)
1c) upper millstone (as riding on lower millstone)
1d) riders, troop (of riders), horsemen, pair of horsemen, men
riding, ass-riders, camel-riders
from 7392; a vehicle; by implication, a team; by extension,
cavalry; by analogy a rider, i.e. the upper
millstone:-chariot, (upper) millstone, multitude (from the
margin), wagon.
see HEBREW for 07392

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