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NETBible: Strong -- 08147

sh@nayim <08147>

Mynv sh@nayim or (fem.) Mytv sh@ttayim

Pronunciation:shen-ah'-yim shet-tah'-yim
Origin:dual of 08145
Reference:TWOT - 2421a
In Hebrew:Myns 156, yns 145, yts 94, Myts 75, Mynsw 61, Mhyns 58, ynsw 30, Mytsw 27, ytsw 26, ynsl 17, ytsl 10, Mynsl 9, Mynsb 8, ytsb 7, ynsm 6, Mytsbw 4, ynsb 4, Mynsh 4, wnyns 3, Mhynsw 3, ynsk 3, Mytsb 3, Mhynsl 2, Mhyts 2, Mhynsm 2, Mynslw 1, Nhyts 1, Mytsm 1, ytsbw 1, Mynsbw 1, ytsm 1, ynsbw 1, *yns {Myns} 1, Mkyns 1, Nhytsl 1
In NET:two 414, twelve 36, both 30, each of them 12, twenty-two 11, second 10, twelfth 10, double 9, Two 9, two-tenths 8, 12,000 6, 22,000 4, forty-two 4, couple 4, fifty-two 3, pairs 3, sixty-two 3, 112 3, 642 2, 52 2, thirty-second 2, thirty-two 2, 652 2, Pairs 2, 2,172 2, 1,052 2, 32,000 2, 3½ 2, 3½ feet 2, together 2, 372 2, two-thirds 2, 18 2, 21 2, twice 2, 122 2, 32 2, 42 2, twenty-second 2, 22,600 1, 32,500 1, 72,000 1, Abiathar 1, 832 1, 2,200 1, 912 1, 1,222 1, 2,322 1, 2,812 1, 22,034 1, Both 1, 20,000 1, 22,200 1, 72 1, 182 1, 212 1, inner and outer 1, second time 1, several occasions 1, 162 1, twenty 1, 962 1, 232 1, forty 1, 822 1, Twenty-two 1, 172 1, 782 1, two-and-a-half 1, 242 1, each 1, Both of them 1
In AV:two 533, twelve + 06240 105, both 69, twelfth + 06240 21, second 10, twain 7, both of them 5, twice 5, double 5, misc 8
Definition:1) two
1a) two (the cardinal number)
1a1) two, both, double, twice
1b) second (the ordinal number)
1c) in combination with other numbers
1d) both (a dual number)
dual of 8145; feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also
(as ordinal) twofold:-both, couple, double, second, twain, +
twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.
see HEBREW for 08145

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