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NETBible: Strong -- 0693

'arab <0693>

bra 'arab

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 156
In Hebrew:bra 5, brah 4, brahw 3, braw 3, brat 3, bray 2, wbra 2, Mybram 2, bral 2, Mybra 2, wbrayw 2, wbray 2, brwahw 1, Mybrah 1, Mtbraw 1, Mbrab 1, hbran 1, brwaw 1, brwahm 1, brayw 1, ytbra 1
In NET:ambush 17, hiding in ambush 3, lies in wait 2, hid 2, bandits 2, hiding 2, hide 1, attacked 1, They 1, ambushed 1, hiding place 1, plotting 1, set an ambush 1, stalks 1, lying in ambush 1, lie in wait 1, lain in wait 1, lie in 1, wait 1
In AV:lay in wait 26, liers in wait 8, ambush 8
Definition:1) to lie in wait, ambush, lurk
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to lie in wait
1a2) ambush (participle as subst)
1b) (Piel) ambushers, liers-in-wait (pl. participle)
1c) (Hiphil) to lay an ambush
a primitive root; to lurk:-(lie in) ambush(-ment), lay (lie
in) wait.

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