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NETBible: Strong -- 0120

'adam <0120>

Mda 'adam

Origin:from 0119
Reference:TWOT - 25a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:Mda 338, Mdah 138, Mdal 24, Mdab 23, Mdam 13, Mdaw 9, Mdabw 2, Mdalw 2, Mdahw 1, Mdaml 1, Mdak 1
In NET:man 154, people 107, human 45, men 37, person 36, one 29, humankind 27, anyone 9, humans 9, someone 8, human beings 7, mankind 6, person's 6, human being 5, individual 4, People 4, humanity 3, Men 3, everyone 2, idolaters 2, man's 2, everybody 2, mortals 2, man-made 2, those 2, Adam 2, Man 1, he 1, Nobody 1, Human 1, all kinds 1, him 1, enemy soldiers 1, commanders 1, hands 1, another 1, a person 1, king's successor 1, slaves 1, sacrifice 1, possessions 1, successor 1, them 1, who 1, uninhabited 1, peoples 1, people's 1, you 1, king 1, males 1, minds 1, observers 1, numerous 1, human person 1
In AV:man 408, men 121, Adam 13, person(s) 8, common sort + 07230 1, hypocrite 1
Definition:1) man, mankind
1a) man, human being
1b) man, mankind (much more frequently intended sense in OT)
1c) Adam, first man
1d) city in Jordan valley
from 119; ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the
species, mankind, etc.):-X another, + hypocrite, + common
sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.
see HEBREW for 0119
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