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NETBible: Strong -- 04672

matsa' <04672>

aum matsa'

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1231
In Hebrew:aumy 42, ytaum 39, aumt 28, aum 27, aumn 26, aumyw 23, aumnh 22, waum 20, waumyw 18, waumn 16, auma 15, Myaumnh 13, auml 9, taum 8, haum 8, aumw 7, whaumyw 7, waumy 6, wnaum 6, ynwaum 4, Nwaumy 4, waumt 4, taumw 3, Mtaum 3, Mtaumw 3, wnaumy 3, aumnw 3, Maumyw 3, haumw 3, wntaum 3, Nwaumt 2, haumnh 2, aumnhw 2, haumyw 2, ynnaumy 2, Kwaumw 2, aumtw 2, yaum 2, waumw 2, whaumy 2, aumaw 2, wytaum 2, waumnw 1, twaumh 1, hkaumy 1, whwaumy 1, hwnaum 1, *aum {yaum} 1, ytaums 1, htaum 1, Kyaumn 1, whaumt 1, hnwaumy 1, wayumh 1, hnyaumt 1, whaumw 1, Kaumy 1, whaumaw 1, taumnh 1, auwmw 1, Mkaumb 1, whytaum 1, Maumt 1, Mytaum 1, taumn 1, yntaumh 1, waumnh 1, Mhyauml 1, awuml 1, ynaum 1, waumhb 1, ytaumnw 1, ytum 1, yaumt 1, htaumw 1, Naumt 1, twaumnh 1, Kaumt 1, whaum 1, whnaum 1, Kaumaw 1, wnaumt 1, Kauma 1, awumm 1, aumh 1, *aumn {haumn} 1, Myaumh 1, ayumm 1, Naumw 1, Ktyumh 1, wnaumw 1, auwmk 1, yauml 1, hytaum 1, tauwmk 1, ytaumn 1, Mhyauwm 1
In NET:found 95, find 64, discovered 26, caught 6, were 6, met 5, finds 5, discover 5, had 3, kind 3, overcome 3, lived 2, meet 2, present 2, came across 2, enough 2, confronted 2, attacked 2, encountered 2, spotted 2, exposed 1, finding 1, gathering 1, get 1, handed 1, gathered 1, gains 1, find out 1, gained 1, feel 1, comprehends 1, become 1, befall 1, befallen 1, betrayed 1, be 1, attained 1, accuse 1, afford 1, appeared 1, attain 1, bring a reward 1, brought 1, comes across 1, comprehend 1, happen 1, confront 1, comes 1, come 1, came 1, can 1, caught up 1, did not catch 1, have 1, respond 1, return 1, satisfy 1, saw 1, remains 1, refraining 1, possessed 1, prevail 1, prospered 1, receive 1, secure 1, see 1, taken 1, there are 1, traced back 1, turn over 1, strikes 1, stained 1, seize 1, spare 1, spreads 1, pleased 1, please 1, in fact 1, inadequate 1, lasts 1, left 1, here 1, helpless 1, happened 1, happened to see 1, has 1, were there 1, like 1, liked 1, opportunity 1, overtaken 1, perceived 1, permits 1, observed 1, met up 1, make 1, make available 1, meets 1, happen to have 1
In AV:find 359, present 20, find out 20, come 8, meet 5, befall 5, get 4, suffice 3, deliver 2, hit 2, left 2, hold 2, misc 24
Definition:1) to find, attain to
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to find
1a1a) to find, secure, acquire, get (thing sought)
1a1b) to find (what is lost)
1a1c) to meet, encounter
1a1d) to find (a condition)
1a1e) to learn, devise
1a2) to find out
1a2a) to find out
1a2b) to detect
1a2c) to guess
1a3) to come upon, light upon
1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with
1a3b) to hit
1a3c) to befall
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be found
1b1a) to be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered
1b1b) to appear, be recognised
1b1c) to be discovered, be detected
1b1d) to be gained, be secured
1b2) to be, be found
1b2a) to be found in
1b2b) to be in the possession of
1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be
1b2d) to be left (after war)
1b2e) to be present
1b2f) to prove to be
1b2g) to be found sufficient, be enough
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to cause to find, attain
1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come
1c3) to cause to encounter
1c4) to present (offering)
a primitive root; properly, to come forth to, i.e. appear or
exist; transitively, to attain, i.e. find or acquire;
figuratively, to occur, meet or be present:-+ be able,
befall, being, catch, X certainly, (cause to) come (on, to, to
hand), deliver, be enough (cause to) find(-ing, occasion,
out), get (hold upon), X have (here), be here, hit, be left,
light (up-)on, meet (with), X occasion serve, (be) present,
ready, speed, suffice, take hold on.

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