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NETBible: Strong -- 05930

`olah <05930>

hle `olah or hlwe `owlah

Pronunciation:o-law' o-law'
Origin:f act part of 05927
Reference:TWOT - 1624c 1624d
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hleh 61, hlel 37, hle 37, twle 34, tle 27, hlwe 19, hlweh 12, wtle 6, Kytle 5, twlew 3, hlwel 3, twlel 3, tlew 3, Ktle 3, tlwe 3, Mkytwle 2, twleh 2, hlew 2, Mkytle 2, twlweb 2, hlehw 2, twlweh 1, Mtle 1, Ktlwew 1, hlek 1, wnytwleb 1, Kytlwew 1, *wytwle {wtwle} 1, wtlwe 1, Mkytlel 1, wtylew 1, Mkytwlwe 1, twlem 1, tlel 1, Mkytlwe 1, twleb 1, twlehw 1, Mhytlwe 1, hlwelw 1, wtlew 1, tlwelw 1, hlweb 1
In NET:burnt offering 161, burnt offerings 50, burnt sacrifices 49, burnt sacrifice 18, burnt 1, animals 1, offerings 1, offering 1, sacrifice 1, going up 1
In AV:burnt offering 264, burnt sacrifice 21, ascent 1, go up 1
Definition:1) whole burnt offering
2) ascent, stairway, steps
or mowlah {o-law'}; feminine active participle of 5927; a
step or (collectively, stairs, as ascending); usually a
holocaust (as going up in smoke):-ascent, burnt offering
(sacrifice), go up to. See also 5766.
see HEBREW for 05927
see HEBREW for 05766

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