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NETBible: Strong -- 07223

ri'shown <07223>

Nwvar ri'shown or Nvar ri'shon

Pronunciation:ree-shone' ree-shone'
Origin:from 07221
Reference:TWOT - 2097c
PrtSpch:adjective, adverb
In Hebrew:Nwsarh 62, Mynsarh 29, hnsarb 15, Nwsarb 7, hnwsarb 7, Nwsar 7, hnsar 6, twnsarh 6, hnsarbk 5, Mynsar 5, hnsarh 5, Mynsark 4, hnwsar 3, hnwsarh 3, hnsark 2, twnsar 2, hnsarl 2, Mynsarb 1, Nwsyarh 1, hnwsarbml 1, Mynsarl 1, hnsayr 1, twnsarw 1, Nsarh 1, Nwsark 1, Mynwsarh 1, Nsarb 1, Nwsyr 1, Nwsarm 1
In NET:first 83, former 18, earlier 10, start 8, beginning 7, before 6, formerly 2, leading 2, First 2, old 2, past 2, defined 1, Before 1, days of old 1, beforehand 1, antiquity 1, came before 1, earlier events 1, former times 1, led 1, most prominent 1, original 1, same 1, lead 1, initial 1, forefront 1, written 1, front 1, full 1, early 1
In AV:first 129, former 26, former things 6, beginning 4, chief 3, before 3, old time 2, foremost 3, aforetime 1, misc 8
1) first, primary, former
1a) former (of time)
1a1) ancestors
1a2) former things
1b) foremost (of location)
1c) first (in time)
1d) first, chief (in degree)

2) first, before, formerly, at first
or riishon {ree-shone'}; from 7221; first, in place, time or
rank (as adjective or noun):-ancestor, (that were)
before(-time), beginning, eldest, first, fore(-father)
(-most), former (thing), of old time, past.
see HEBREW for 07221

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