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NETBible: Strong -- 06942

qadash <06942>

vdq qadash

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1990
In Hebrew:wsdq 11, sdqyw 9, wsdqth 9, tsdqw 9, sydqh 7, sdql 6, ytsdqh 6, sdqy 6, sydqy 5, wsdql 5, ytsdqnw 5, Mksdqm 4, Msdqm 4, wsdqtyw 4, Mysdqmh 3, sdq 3, Mtsdqw 3, wsydqy 3, wsdqty 3, ytsdqw 3, wsdqw 3, sydqmh 3, wsdqyw 3, ysdqhb 2, wtsdqw 2, sdqa 2, ynsydqhl 2, whwsdq 2, sdqw 2, sydqhl 2, whsdqyw 2, Mysdqm 2, wsydqh 2, wsdqy 2, Mtsdqthw 2, wsydqhl 1, wsdqthw 1, wsydqt 1, Mysdqtmh 1, sdqyh 1, wsdqm 1, sydqhh 1, wnsdqhw 1, ysdqml 1, Kytsdqh 1, sdqm 1, sydqt 1, tsdqtm 1, Mysdqhw 1, Mysdqmw 1, wsydqhw 1, Msdqhw 1, ytsdqthw 1, Msdql 1, sdqt 1, ytsdqhw 1, sdqthl 1, Msdqyw 1, sdqth 1, sdqlw 1, sdqnw 1, Mtsdq 1, wysdqw 1, ysdqw 1, sdqn 1, Kytsdq 1, Mhysdqm 1, sdqmh 1, sdqh 1
In NET:consecrated 25, consecrate 12, holy 8, sanctify 7, set apart 7, dedicated 5, magnify 4, consecrates 3, sanctifies 3, Prepare 3, solemnly dedicate 2, honor 2, reveal sovereign power 2, consecrating 2, set aside the portion 2, Sanctify 1, display holiness 1, Appoint 1, Consecrate 1, dedicate 1, be holy 1, apart 1, declare 1, observe as a day set apart 1, set apart as holy 1, send 1, set apart holy 1, set holy 1, taken 1, show holy 1, sanctified 1, ritually purified 1, transmit holiness 1, made holy 1, process of purifying 1, recognize 1, reconsecrate 1, festival 1
In AV:sanctify 108, hallow 25, dedicate 10, holy 7, prepare 7, consecrate 5, appointed 1, bid 1, purified 1, misc 7
Definition:1) to consecrate, sanctify, prepare, dedicate, be hallowed, be holy,
be sanctified, be separate
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be set apart, be consecrated
1a2) to be hallowed
1a3) consecrated, tabooed
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to show oneself sacred or majestic
1b2) to be honoured, be treated as sacred
1b3) to be holy
1c) (Piel)
1c1) to set apart as sacred, consecrate, dedicate
1c2) to observe as holy, keep sacred
1c3) to honour as sacred, hallow
1c4) to consecrate
1d) (Pual)
1d1) to be consecrated
1d2) consecrated, dedicated
1e) (Hiphil)
1e1) to set apart, devote, consecrate
1e2) to regard or treat as sacred or hallow
1e3) to consecrate
1f) (Hithpael)
1f1) to keep oneself apart or separate
1f2) to cause Himself to be hallowed (of God)
1f3) to be observed as holy
1f4) to consecrate oneself
a primitive root; to be (causatively, make, pronounce or
observe as) clean (ceremonially or morally):-appoint, bid,
consecrate, dedicate, defile, hallow, (be, keep) holy(-er,
place), keep, prepare, proclaim, purify, sanctify(-ied one,
self), X wholly.

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