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NETBible: Strong -- 03477

yashar <03477>

rvy yashar

Origin:from 03474
Reference:TWOT - 930a
In Hebrew:rsyh 35, Myrsy 25, rsy 19, rsyw 11, yrsy 6, rsyhw 5, hrsy 3, Myrsyw 3, Myrsyl 3, rsykw 2, yrsyl 2, twrsy 1, hrsyhw 1, hrsyh 1, rsyy 1, yrsylw 1, Myrsylw 1
In NET:upright 40, approved 17, right 15, godly 9, just 2, proper 2, Upright 2, fair 2, seems right 2, approve 2, choose 2, conscientious 1, capable 1, appropriate 1, Yashar 1, committed 1, obey 1, safe 1, smooth 1, straight 1, stretched out 1, righteous 1, properly 1, uprightly 1, pleased 1, pleasing 1, honest 1
In AV:right 53, upright 42, righteous 9, straight 3, convenient 2, Jasher 2, equity 1, just 1, meet 1, meetest 1, upright ones 1, uprightly 1, uprightness 1, well 1
Definition:1) straight, upright, correct, right
1a) straight, level
1b) right, pleasing, correct
1c) straightforward, just, upright, fitting, proper
1d) uprightness, righteous, upright
1e) that which is upright (subst)
from 3474; straight (literally or figuratively):-convenient,
equity, Jasher, just, meet(-est), + pleased well right(-eous),
straight, (most) upright(-ly, -ness).
see HEBREW for 03474
in Bible:
Scroll of the Upright One (NET)
Yashar (NET)

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