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Numbers 1:18

And they assembled
<06950> (0)
all the congregation
<06950> (8689)
on the first
[day] of the second
and they declared their pedigrees
<03205> (8691)
after their families
by the house
of their fathers
according to the number
of the names
from twenty
and upward
by their polls

Numbers 4:15

And when Aaron
and his sons
have made an end
<03615> (8765)
of covering
<03680> (8763)
the sanctuary
and all the vessels
of the sanctuary
as the camp
is to set forward
<05265> (8800)_;
that, the sons
of Kohath
shall come
<0935> (8799)
to bear
<05375> (8800)
[it]: but they shall not touch
<05060> (8799)
[any] holy thing
lest they die
<04191> (8804)_.
These [things are] the burden
of the sons
of Kohath
in the tabernacle
of the congregation

Numbers 5:15

Then shall the man
<0935> (8689)
his wife
unto the priest
and he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
her offering
for her, the tenth
[part] of an ephah
of barley
he shall pour
<03332> (8799)
no oil
upon it, nor put
<05414> (8799)
thereon; for it [is] an offering
of jealousy
an offering
of memorial
<02142> (0)
to remembrance
<02142> (8688)_.

Numbers 5:18-19

And the priest
shall set
<05975> (8689)
the woman
the LORD
and uncover
<06544> (8804)
the woman's
and put
<05414> (8804)
the offering
of memorial
in her hands
which [is] the jealousy
and the priest
shall have in his hand
the bitter
that causeth the curse
<0779> (8764)_:
And the priest
shall charge her by an oath
<07650> (8689)_,
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto the woman
If no man
have lain
<07901> (8804)
with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside
<07847> (8804)
to uncleanness
[with another] instead of thy husband
be thou free
<05352> (8734)
from this bitter
that causeth the curse
<0779> (8764)_:
{with another...: or, being in the power of thy husband: Heb. under thy husband}

Numbers 5:21

Then the priest
shall charge
<07650> (8689)
the woman
with an oath
of cursing
and the priest
shall say
<0559> (8804)
unto the woman
<05414> (8799)
thee a curse
and an oath
thy people
when the LORD
doth make
<05414> (8800)
thy thigh
to rot
<05307> (8802)_,
and thy belly
to swell
{rot: Heb. fall}

Numbers 5:27

And when he hath made her to drink
<08248> (8689)
the water
then it shall come to pass, [that], if she be defiled
<02930> (8738)_,
and have done
<04603> (8799)
against her husband
that the water
that causeth the curse
<0779> (8764)
shall enter
<0935> (8804)
into her, [and become] bitter
and her belly
shall swell
<06638> (8804)_,
and her thigh
shall rot
<05307> (8804)_:
and the woman
shall be a curse
her people

Numbers 6:20

And the priest
shall wave
<05130> (8689)
them [for] a wave offering
the LORD
this [is] holy
for the priest
with the wave
and heave
and after
that the Nazarite
may drink
<08354> (8799)

Numbers 10:9

And if ye go
<0935> (8799)
to war
in your land
the enemy that oppresseth
<06887> (8802)
you, then ye shall blow an alarm
<07321> (8689)
with the trumpets
and ye shall be remembered
<02142> (8738)
the LORD
your God
and ye shall be saved
<03467> (8738)
from your enemies
<0341> (8802)_.

Numbers 11:17

And I will come down
<03381> (8804)
and talk
<01696> (8765)
with thee there: and I will take
<0680> (8804)
of the spirit
which [is] upon thee, and will put
<07760> (8804)
[it] upon them; and they shall bear
<05375> (8804)
the burden
of the people
with thee, that thou bear
<05375> (8799)
[it] not thyself alone.

Numbers 13:32

And they brought up
<03318> (8686)
an evil report
of the land
which they had searched
<08446> (8804)
unto the children
of Israel
<0559> (8800)_,
The land
through which we have gone
<05674> (8804)
to search
<08446> (8800)
it, [is] a land
that eateth up
<0398> (8802)
the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
thereof; and all the people
that we saw
<07200> (8804)
in it
[are] men
of a great stature
{men...: Heb. men of statures}

Numbers 14:14

And they will tell
<0559> (8804)
[it] to the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of this land
[for] they have heard
<08085> (8804)
that thou LORD
[art] among
this people
that thou LORD
art seen
<07200> (8738)
to face
and [that] thy cloud
<05975> (8802)
over them, and [that] thou goest
<01980> (8802)
them, by day time
in a pillar
of a cloud
and in a pillar
of fire
by night

Numbers 15:24

Then it shall be, if [ought] be committed
<06213> (8738)
by ignorance
without the knowledge
of the congregation
that all the congregation
shall offer
<06213> (8804)
<01121> <01241>
for a burnt offering
for a sweet
unto the LORD
with his meat offering
and his drink offering
according to the manner
and one
of the goats
for a sin offering
{without...: Heb. from the eyes} {manner: or, ordinance}

Numbers 16:3

And they gathered themselves together
<06950> (8735)
against Moses
and against Aaron
and said
<0559> (8799)
unto them, [Ye take] too much
upon you, seeing all the congregation
[are] holy
every one of them, and the LORD
[is] among
them: wherefore then lift ye up
<05375> (8691)
yourselves above the congregation
of the LORD
{Ye take...: Heb. It is much for you}

Numbers 16:5

And he spake
<01696> (8762)
unto Korah
and unto all his company
<0559> (8800)_,
Even to morrow
the LORD
will shew
<03045> (8686)
who [are] his, and [who is] holy
and will cause [him] to come near
<07126> (8689)
unto him: even [him] whom he hath chosen
<0977> (8799)
will he cause to come near
<07126> (8686)
unto him.

Numbers 16:30

But if the LORD
<01254> (8799)
a new thing
and the earth
<06475> (8804)
her mouth
and swallow them up
<01104> (8804)_,
with all that [appertain] unto them, and they go down
<03381> (8804)
into the pit
then ye shall understand
<03045> (8804)
that these men
have provoked
<05006> (8765)
the LORD
{make...: Heb. create a creature}

Numbers 16:46

And Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto Aaron
<03947> (8798)
a censer
and put
<05414> (8798)
therein from off
the altar
and put
<07760> (8798)
on incense
and go
<03212> (8685)
unto the congregation
and make an atonement
<03722> (8761)
for them: for there is wrath
gone out
<03318> (8804)
from the LORD
the plague
is begun
<02490> (8689)_.

Numbers 18:26

Thus speak
<01696> (8762)
unto the Levites
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, When ye take
<03947> (8799)
of the children
of Israel
the tithes
which I have given
<05414> (8804)
you from them for your inheritance
then ye shall offer
<07311> (8689)
up an heave offering
of it for the LORD
[even] a tenth
[part] of the tithe

Numbers 19:9

And a man
[that is] clean
shall gather
<0622> (8804)
up the ashes
of the heifer
and lay [them] up
<03240> (8689)
the camp
in a clean
and it shall be kept
for the congregation
of the children
of Israel
for a water
of separation
it [is] a purification for sin

Numbers 19:12

He shall purify
<02398> (8691)
himself with it on the third
and on the seventh
he shall be clean
<02891> (8799)_:
but if he purify
<02398> (8691)
not himself the third
then the seventh
he shall not be clean
<02891> (8799)_.

Numbers 19:18-19

And a clean
shall take
<03947> (8804)
and dip
<02881> (8804)
[it] in the water
and sprinkle
<05137> (8689)
[it] upon the tent
and upon all the vessels
and upon the persons
that were there, and upon him that touched
<05060> (8802)
a bone
or one slain
or one dead
<04191> (8801)_,
or a grave
And the clean
[person] shall sprinkle
<05137> (8689)
upon the unclean
on the third
and on the seventh
and on the seventh
he shall purify
<02398> (8765)
himself, and wash
<03526> (8765)
his clothes
and bathe
<07364> (8804)
himself in water
and shall be clean
<02891> (8804)
at even

Numbers 20:8

<03947> (8798)
the rod
and gather
<06950> (8685)
thou the assembly
together, thou, and Aaron
thy brother
and speak
<01696> (8765)
ye unto the rock
before their eyes
and it shall give forth
<05414> (8804)
his water
and thou shalt bring forth
<03318> (8689)
to them water
out of the rock
so thou shalt give
<08248> (0)
the congregation
and their beasts
<08248> (8689)_.

Numbers 22:31

Then the LORD
<01540> (8762)
the eyes
of Balaam
and he saw
<07200> (8799)
the angel
of the LORD
<05324> (8737)
in the way
and his sword
<08025> (8803)
in his hand
and he bowed down
<06915> (8799)
his head, and fell flat
<07812> (8691)
on his face
{fell...: or, bowed himself}

Numbers 25:6

And, behold, one
of the children
of Israel
<0935> (8802)
and brought
<07126> (8686)
unto his brethren
a Midianitish woman
in the sight
of Moses
and in the sight
of all the congregation
of the children
of Israel
who [were] weeping
<01058> (8802)
[before] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation

Numbers 27:1

Then came
<07126> (8799)
the daughters
of Zelophehad
the son
of Hepher
the son
of Gilead
the son
of Machir
the son
of Manasseh
of the families
of Manasseh
the son
of Joseph
and these [are] the names
of his daughters
and Hoglah
and Milcah
and Tirzah

Numbers 27:11

And if his father
have no brethren
then ye shall give
<05414> (8804)
his inheritance
unto his kinsman
that is next
to him of his family
and he shall possess
<03423> (8804)
it: and it shall be unto the children
of Israel
a statute
of judgment
as the LORD
<06680> (8765)

Numbers 32:29

And Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto them, If the children
of Gad
and the children
of Reuben
will pass with you over
<05674> (8799)
every man armed
<02502> (8803)
to battle
the LORD
and the land
shall be subdued
<03533> (8738)
you; then ye shall give
<05414> (8804)
them the land
of Gilead
for a possession

Numbers 33:55

But if ye will not drive out
<03423> (8686)
the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of the land
from before
you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain
<03498> (8686)
of them [shall be] pricks
in your eyes
and thorns
in your sides
and shall vex
<06887> (8804)
you in the land
wherein ye dwell
<03427> (8802)_.

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