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NETBible: Strong -- 06887

tsarar <06887>

rru tsarar

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1973 1974
In Hebrew:rru 7, yrrwu 5, ru 4, yrru 4, Kyrru 3, rwru 2, ynwrru 2, hrum 2, ruhw 2, ruy 2, Myrrumw 1, ruyw 1, Kyrrwu 1, rwu 1, trru 1, Myrru 1, hrwru 1, ruh 1, wyrrwu 1, hru 1, wrruw 1, ruhkw 1, ytwruhw 1, rrul 1, truw 1, twrru 1, rruh 1, rwruk 1, ytruhw 1
In NET:enemies 8, enemy 3, bring trouble 2, besiege 2, adversaries 2, wrapped 2, labor 2, bring distress 1, trouble 1, confinement 1, bound up 1, troubled 1, Tie up 1, up 1, adversary 1, distress 1, torment 1, locks 1, narrow 1, opposes 1, lays siege 1, threaten 1, tied up 1, hostile 1, patched 1
In AV:enemy 14, distress 7, bind up 6, vex 6, afflict 4, besiege 4, adversary 3, strait 3, trouble 2, bound 2, pangs 2, misc 5
Definition:1) to bind, be narrow, be in distress, make narrow, cause distress,
besiege, be straitened, be bound
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to bind, tie up, shut up
1a2) to be scant, be cramped, be in straits
1b) (Pual) to be bound, be tied up
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to make narrow for, cause distress to, press hard upon
1c2) to suffer distress
2) to show hostility toward, vex
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to show hostility toward, treat with enmity, vex, harass
1a2) vexer, harasser (participle)
a primitive root; to cramp, literally or figuratively,
transitive or intransitive (as follows):-adversary, (be in)
afflict(-ion), beseige, bind (up), (be in, bring) distress,
enemy, narrower, oppress, pangs, shut up, be in a strait
(trouble), vex.

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