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NETBible: Strong -- 07650

shaba` <07650>

ebv shaba`

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 2318
In Hebrew:ebsn 45, ytebsn 27, ebsyw 24, tebsn 8, websn 7, hebsh 5, websyw 5, ebst 4, wnebsn 4, ebsnh 4, ytebsh 4, wntebsh 3, Myebsnh 3, ebsh 3, ebsy 3, eybshw 3, websh 2, ebsaw 2, Meybsaw 2, ebshl 2, eybsh 2, webst 2, websy 1, Myebsnhw 1, Keybsaw 1, yneybsh 1, eybshb 1, Keybsm 1, twebsnw 1, ebvaw 1, Myebsnbw 1, Keybsh 1, ebsnw 1, eybshl 1, weybsh 1, ebshw 1, ebsa 1, Mtebsn 1, ebsnhw 1, ynebsyw 1, Kytebsh 1, tebsnw 1, yebs 1, weybst 1, Kebsm 1
In NET:promised 23, swear 13, swore 12, oath 10, swears 5, sworn 5, vowed 5, took an oath 5, solemnly promised 3, solemnly swear 2, make promise 2, oaths 2, promise on oath 2, made solemnly swear 2, solemn 2, solemnly vowed 2, take an oath 2, adjure 1, admonish 1, Taking an oath 1, make promises 1, make vows 1, Promise 1, Swear 1, made promise 1, all 1, command 1, confirms oath 1, makes an oath 1, do so 1, made a promise 1, made oath 1, made an oath 1, made a treaty 1, confirms this oath 1, promises 1, sworn an oath 1, swore on oath 1, swore an oath 1, sworn solemn 1, take oaths 1, vow allegiance 1, took a solemn oath 1, takes 1, swear an oath 1, solemnly promise 1, worshiped 1, promised on oath 1, promise 1, put under 1, solemn declarations 1, solemnly affirm 1, solemnly 1, solemn promise 1, makes firm commitments 1
In AV:sware 167, charge 8, oath 7, adjure 3, straitly 2
Definition:1) to swear, adjure
1a) (Qal) sworn (participle)
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to swear, take an oath
1b2) to swear (of Jehovah by Himself)
1b3) to curse
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to cause to take an oath
1c2) to adjure
a primitive root; propr. to be complete, but used only as a
denominative from 7651; to seven oneself, i.e. swear (as if by
repeating a declaration seven times):-adjure, charge (by an
oath, with an oath), feed to the full (by mistake for 7646),
take an oath, X straitly, (cause to, make to) swear.
see HEBREW for 07651
see HEBREW for 07646

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