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NETBible: Strong -- 0779

'arar <0779>

rra 'arar

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 168
In Hebrew:rwra 32, Myrramh 6, rwraw 4, rat 3, Myrwra 3, hra 2, Kyrra 1, Kyrraw 1, hrwrah 1, yrra 1, hrwra 1, ytwraw 1, hrra 1, wrwa 1, hytwra 1, raa 1, rawy 1, wra 1, Myran 1
In NET:Cursed 18, curse 15, cursed 13, judgment 2, condemned 1, call judgment down on 1, accursed 1, Call judgment down on 1, banished 1, brings a curse 1, curses 1, pronounce a curse 1, put a curse 1, harsh condemnation 1, doomed 1, declaration 1, destroyed 1, sure 1
In AV:curse 62, bitterly 1
Definition:1) to curse
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to curse
1a2) cursed be he (participle used as in curses)
1b) (Niphal) to be cursed, cursed
1c) (Piel) to curse, lay under a curse, put a curse on
1d) (Hophal) to be made a curse, be cursed
a primitive root; to execrate:-X bitterly curse.

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