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NETBible: Strong -- 07901

shakab <07901>

bkv shakab

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 2381
In Hebrew:bksyw 54, bks 34, bksy 17, bkst 11, bksw 8, bksl 7, wbksy 6, wbks 5, bkstw 5, ytbks 4, ybks 4, Nwbksy 3, tbksw 3, hbks 3, bksh 3, Kbksbw 2, hbksa 2, tbks 2, bksk 2, Nwbkst 2, hbksb 2, bkshw 2, wbksyw 2, Mybks 2, Kbksb 1, hbkshw 1, hbyksh 1, bksa 1, bkskw 1, Mytbkshw 1, Mtbksw 1, wbksb 1, bkslw 1, whbksyw 1, byksy 1, Mybksh 1, hbksnw 1, ytbksw 1, *tbksw {ytbksw} 1, hbksw 1, whbkstw 1, hbksn 1, tbksm 1, bksm 1, bkws 1, whbykstw 1, whbyksyw 1
In NET:passed away 35, lie down 17, lie 10, sleep 8, lying 7, had sexual relations 6, lay down 5, has sexual intercourse 4, lies 4, lies down 4, has sexual relations 3, relax 3, have sex 3, slept 3, have sexual relations 2, put 2, lying down 2, laid 2, raped 2, fell asleep 2, laid down 2, die 2, rested 2, rest 2, actually has sexual intercourse 2, sexual intercourse 2, take rest 1, Lie down 1, has relations 1, stretched out 1, had sex 1, Sleep 1, acknowledge 1, had relations 1, bed-ridden 1, cease 1, away buried 1, down 1, had marital relations 1, fell down 1, commits bestiality 1, lay down to sleep 1, rapist 1, raping 1, rapes 1, sexually assaulting 1, recuperating 1, relations 1, sexual relations 1, sexual 1, resting 1, marital relations 1, sleeping 1, spent the night 1, sexually assaulted 1, spread out 1, lain down 1, lie dead 1, spent 1, live 1, lifeless 1, tip over 1, having sexual relations 1
In AV:lie 106, sleep 48, lie down 43, rest 3, lien 2, misc 10
Definition:1) to lie down
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to lie, lie down, lie on
1a2) to lodge
1a3) to lie (of sexual relations)
1a4) to lie down (in death)
1a5) to rest, relax (fig)
1b) (Niphal) to be lain with (sexually)
1c) (Pual) to be lain with (sexually)
1d) (Hiphil) to make to lie down
1e) (Hophal) to be laid
a primitive root; to lie down (for rest, sexual connection,
decease or any other purpose):-X at all, cast down,
((lover-))lay (self) (down), (make to) lie (down, down to
sleep, still with), lodge, ravish, take rest, sleep, stay.

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