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NETBible: Strong -- 03498

yathar <03498>

rty yathar

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 936
In Hebrew:Myrtwnh 22, rtwn 10, rtwnhw 10, rtwnh 7, rtwyw 5, rtwy 5, trtwnh 3, wrytwt 3, rtwhw 3, trtwnhw 3, rytwh 3, wrtwyw 3, hrtwn 2, ytrtwhw 2, ytrtwn 2, wrtwy 2, rtwaw 2, Myrtwnl 2, Mrtwnh 1, rttw 1, rtwh 1, Krtwhw 1, hrtwh 1, rytwa 1, rtnhw 1, rytwy 1, rtwyh 1, hrtwnw 1, rtwt 1, Krytwhw 1, Myrtwnhw 1, rtwnb 1, Mtrtwn 1, wrtn 1, wrtwn 1, twrtwnh 1
In NET:left 16, rest 7, left over 5, remained 5, remaining 5, remains 4, leave 3, survive 2, remain 2, remainder 2, but 2, excel 1, left in 1, escaped 1, kept part 1, isolated 1, abundantly successful 1, received 1, saved the rest 1, set free 1, spared alive 1, saved 1, rest assigned 1, longer 1, multiply 1, survivors 1, leftovers 1
In AV:leave 52, remain 23, rest 12, remainder 4, remnant 4, reserved 3, residue 3, plenteous 2, behind 1, excel 1, much 1, preserve 1
Definition:1) to be left over, remain, remain over, leave
1a) (Qal) remainder (participle)
1b) (Niphal) to be left over, remain over, be left behind
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to leave over, leave
1c2) to save over, preserve alive
1c3) to excel, show pre-eminence
1c4) to show excess, have more than enough, have an excess
a primitive root; to jut over or exceed; by implication, to
excel; (intransitively) to remain or be left; causatively, to
leave, cause to abound, preserve:-excel, leave (a remnant),
left behind, too much, make plenteous, preserve, (be, let)
remain(-der, -ing, - nant), reserve, residue, rest.

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