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NETBible: Strong -- 06918

qadowsh <06918>

vwdq qadowsh or vdq qadosh

Pronunciation:kaw-doshe' kaw-doshe'
Origin:from 06942
Reference:TWOT - 1990b
In Hebrew:swdq 56, sdq 17, Mysdq 16, swdqw 5, swdqh 4, ysdq 3, swdqlw 3, wysdq 2, swdqb 2, Myswdql 1, Mkswdq 1, wswdq 1, Myswdqh 1, swdql 1, Mysdqm 1, wswdqw 1, swdqm 1, *wysdqb {wsdqb} 1, Myswdq 1
In NET:holy 56, Holy One 42, holy ones 5, chosen people 2, angelic 2, sovereign 2, consecrated 1, Holy 1, holy one 1, holy things 1, sovereign one 1, holy temple 1, holy priest 1, special 1, holy day 1
In AV:holy 65, Holy One 39, saint 12
Definition:1) sacred, holy, Holy One, saint, set apart
or qadosh {kaw-doshe'}; from 6942; sacred (ceremonially or
morally); (as noun) God (by eminence), an angel, a saint, a
sanctuary:-holy (One), saint.
see HEBREW for 06942

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