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NETBible: Strong -- 04397

mal'ak <04397>

Kalm mal'ak

Origin:from an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy
Reference:TWOT - 1068a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:Kalm 67, Mykalm 44, Kalmh 27, Mykalmh 16, Kalmw 16, ykalm 13, wykalm 7, Kalmk 4, Kalml 3, Mykalmw 3, Kykalm 2, wkalm 2, Kalmhw 2, Mykalml 1, hkkalm 1, ykalmb 1, wykalmbw 1, ykalml 1, wykalmw 1, ykalmk 1
In NET:messengers 74, messenger 66, angel 50, angels 8, angelic messenger 7, He 1, Angel 1, envoys 1, scouts 1, reinforcements 1, priest 1, spies 1, emissaries 1
In AV:angel 111, messenger 98, ambassadors 4, variant 1
Definition:1) messenger, representative
1a) messenger
1b) angel
1c) the theophanic angel
from an unused root meaning to despatch as a deputy; a
messenger; specifically, of God, i.e. an angel (also a
prophet, priest or teacher):-ambassador, angel, king,

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