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NETBible: Strong -- 02708

chuqqah <02708>

hqx chuqqah

Origin:from 02706
Reference:TWOT - 728b
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:tqx 21, ytqx 12, ytwqx 9, wytqxw 8, twqx 8, tqxl 8, wytqx 7, ytwqxb 6, ytqxw 4, ytqxb 4, twqxb 4, hqx 2, ytwqxw 2, Mhytqxbw 1, ytqxbw 1, tqxk 1, Mtqxk 1, wytqxbw 1, twqxm 1, Kyqxw 1, hqxh 1, tqxb 1, Kytqxb 1
In NET:statutes 48, statute 17, ordinance 14, rules 13, regulations 3, practices 2, fixed 1, example 1, allotted portion 1, fixed laws 1, regular 1, requirement 1, religion 1, laws 1
In AV:statute 77, ordinance 22, custom 2, appointed 1, manners 1, rites 1
Definition:1) statute, ordinance, limit, enactment, something prescribed
1a) statute
feminine of 2706, and meaning substantially the
same:-appointed, custom, manner, ordinance, site, statute.
see HEBREW for 02706

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