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NETBible: Strong -- 05159

nachalah <05159>

hlxn nachalah

Origin:from 05157 (in its usual sense)
Reference:TWOT - 1342a
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hlxn 37, tlxn 34, wtlxn 31, hlxnl 15, Mtlxn 15, hlxnb 13, Ktlxn 9, ytlxn 8, hlxnw 7, Ktlxnw 5, wntlxn 5, tlxnm 4, Ntlxn 4, wtlxnl 4, ytlxnw 3, tlxnw 3, wtlxnw 3, Ktlxnb 2, tlxnb 2, Mktlxn 2, Mtlxnb 2, wtlxnb 2, tlxnmw 1, hlxnm 1, wlxnyw 1, twlxn 1, tlxnh 1, Ktlxnm 1, Mktlxnb 1, hlxnh 1, Mtlxnm 1, Mtlxnw 1, tlxnl 1, wtlxnbw 1, wtlxnm 1
In NET:inheritance 113, assigned 11, land 9, allotted 8, property 6, people 6, assigned land 5, possession 4, territory 3, heritage 3, nation 3, land assigned 2, valued property 2, claims as his own 2, belongs 2, special possession 2, possess 2, place 2, gift 1, Jacob 1, holdings 1, allotted tribal lands 1, descendants 1, allotments 1, chosen land 1, assigned to 1, chosen people 1, belonged 1, land assignments 1, people who belong to you 1, people who belong to him 1, occupied 1, piece of property 1, share 1, the land 1, special land 1, nations 1, nation that belongs to you 1, land I have claimed 1, it 1, land they have inherited 1, lands 1, nation that belongs to him 1, me 1, inherited 1
In AV:inheritance 192, heritage 27, inherit 2, possession 1
Definition:1) possession, property, inheritance, heritage
1a) property
1b) portion, share
1c) inheritance, portion
from 5157 (in its usual sense); properly, something
inherited, i.e. (abstractly) occupancy, or (concretely) an
heirloom; generally an estate, patrimony or
portion:-heritage, to inherit, inheritance, possession.
Compare 5158.
see HEBREW for 05157
see HEBREW for 05158

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