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NETBible: Strong -- 02891

taher <02891>

rhj taher

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 792
In Hebrew:rhjw 21, rhjmh 12, wrhjw 8, rhjl 5, rhjy 5, wrhjyw 3, Mtrhjw 2, wrhjh 2, wrhjhw 2, ytrhjw 2, hrhjw 2, trhjw 2, rhjyw 2, Mytrhjw 2, Mrhjl 2, yrhjt 2, wrhjl 1, rhjt 1, ynrhj 1, hrhjm 1, rhj 1, rhjml 1, wnrhjh 1, rhjaw 1, Kytrhj 1, hrhjl 1, wrhjt 1, Myrhjm 1, ytrhj 1, trhj 1, rhjmw 1, Myrhjmhw 1, rhja 1, hrhj 1, wnrhj 1, Mrhjtw 1, yrhj 1
In NET:clean 36, cleansed 13, purify 11, cleanse 10, purified 8, healed 4, pure 2, Purify 1, Cleanse 1, ridding 1, purifying 1, unclean 1, purifier 1, pronounce him clean 1
In AV:clean 80, purify 6, purge 5, pure 2, purifier 1
Definition:1) to be clean, be pure
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be clean (physically - of disease)
1a2) to be clean ceremonially
1a3) to purify, be clean morally, made clean
1b) (Piel)
1b1) to cleanse, purify
1b1a) physically
1b1b) ceremonially
1b1c) morally
1b2) to pronounce clean
1b3) to perform the ceremony of cleansing
1c) (Pual) to be cleansed, be pronounced clean
1d) (Hithpael)
1d1) to purify oneself
1d1a) ceremonially
1d1b) morally
1d2) to present oneself for purification
a primitive root; properly, to be bright; i.e. (by
implication) to be pure (physical sound, clear, unadulterated;
Levitically, uncontaminated; morally, innocent or holy):-be
(make, make self, pronounce) clean, cleanse (self), purge,
purify(-ier, self).

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