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NETBible: Strong -- 01242

boqer <01242>

rqb boqer

Origin:from 01239
Reference:TWOT - 274c
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:rqbb 105, rqb 40, rqbh 33, rqbl 15, rqbbw 6, Myrqbl 5, rqbhm 3, rqblw 2, rqbw 2, rqbk 1, rqbhw 1, rqbm 1
In NET:morning 195, dawn 3, every morning 2, day 2, early 2, mornings 2, morning's 2, break day 1, Morning 1, sun 1, dawns 1, east 1, daybreak 1
In AV:morning 191, morrow 7, day 3, days + 06153 1, early 3
Definition:1) morning, break of day
1a) morning
1a1) of end of night
1a2) of coming of daylight
1a3) of coming of sunrise
1a4) of beginning of day
1a5) of bright joy after night of distress (fig.)
1b) morrow, next day, next morning
from 1239; properly, dawn (as the break of day); generally,
morning:-(+) day, early, morning, morrow.
see HEBREW for 01239

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