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NETBible: Strong -- 0899

beged <0899>

dgb beged

Origin:from 0898
Reference:TWOT - 198a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:wydgb 51, ydgb 40, Mydgb 23, dgb 16, wdgb 11, Kydgb 9, dgbb 7, Mydgbh 7, Mhydgb 7, dgbk 6, Mydgbw 4, dgbh 4, wydgbw 4, ydgbw 4, Mkydgb 3, dgbw 3, dgbhw 2, hydgb 2, wdgbb 1, ydgblw 1, Mydgbb 1, Kydgbm 1, Kytdgb 1, ydgbb 1, wydgbb 1, dgbl 1, Mhydgbb 1, Mkydgbw 1, Kydgbw 1, *wydgbb {wdgbb} 1, wnydgb 1, dgbkw 1
In NET:clothes 88, garments 55, garment 31, clothing 16, cloth 7, robes 3, wardrobe 2, tunic 2, blankets 1, attire 1, cloak 1, dressed 1, robe 1, rag 1, thoroughly 1, saddlecloths 1
In AV:garment 107, clothes 69, cloth 13, raiment 12, apparel 4, robe 4, wardrobe 2, very 2, clothing 1, lap 1, rags 1, vestures 1
Definition:1) treachery, deceit
2) (CLBL) garment, clothing (used indiscriminately)
from 898; a covering, i.e. clothing; also treachery or
pillage:-apparel, cloth(-es, ing), garment, lap, rag,
raiment, robe, X very (treacherously), vesture, wardrobe.
see HEBREW for 0898

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