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Leviticus 1:5

And he shall kill
<07819> (8804)
the bullock
<01121> <01241>
the LORD
and the priests
shall bring
<07126> (8689)
the blood
and sprinkle
<02236> (8804)
the blood
round about
upon the altar
that [is by] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation

Leviticus 1:9

But his inwards
and his legs
shall he wash
<07364> (8799)
in water
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
all on the altar
[to be] a burnt sacrifice
an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD

Leviticus 1:13

But he shall wash
<07364> (8799)
the inwards
and the legs
with water
and the priest
shall bring
<07126> (8689)
[it] all, and burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
it [is] a burnt sacrifice
an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD

Leviticus 1:17

And he shall cleave
<08156> (8765)
it with the wings
thereof, [but] shall not divide [it] asunder
<0914> (8686)_:
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
it upon the altar
upon the wood
that [is] upon the fire
it [is] a burnt sacrifice
an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD

Leviticus 4:7

And the priest
shall put
<05414> (8804)
[some] of the blood
upon the horns
of the altar
of sweet
the LORD
which [is] in the tabernacle
of the congregation
and shall pour
<08210> (8799)
all the blood
of the bullock
at the bottom
of the altar
of the burnt offering
which [is at] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation

Leviticus 4:18

And he shall put
<05414> (8799)
[some] of the blood
upon the horns
of the altar
which [is] before
the LORD
that [is] in the tabernacle
of the congregation
and shall pour out
<08210> (8799)
all the blood
at the bottom
of the altar
of the burnt offering
which [is at] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation

Leviticus 4:31

And he shall take away
<05493> (8686)
all the fat
thereof, as the fat
is taken away
<05493> (8717)
from off the sacrifice
of peace offerings
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
for a sweet
unto the LORD
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him, and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)

Leviticus 5:6-7

And he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
his trespass offering
unto the LORD
for his sin
which he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)_,
a female
from the flock
a lamb
or a kid
of the goats
for a sin offering
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him concerning his sin
And if he
be not able
to bring
<05060> (8686)
a lamb
then he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
his trespass
which he hath committed
<02398> (8804)_,
or two
unto the LORD
for a sin offering
and the other
for a burnt offering
{he be...: Heb. his hand cannot reach to the sufficiency of a lamb}

Leviticus 5:12

Then shall he bring
<0935> (8689)
it to the priest
and the priest
shall take
<07061> (8804)
his handful
<04393> <07062>
of it, [even] a memorial
thereof, and burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] on the altar
according to the offerings made by fire
unto the LORD
it [is] a sin offering

Leviticus 5:17

And if a soul
<02398> (8799)_,
and commit
<06213> (8804)
of these things which are forbidden to be done
<06213> (8735)
by the commandments
of the LORD
though he wist
<03045> (8804)
[it] not, yet is he guilty
<0816> (8804)_,
and shall bear
<05375> (8804)
his iniquity

Leviticus 6:15

And he shall take
<07311> (8689)
of it his handful
of the flour
of the meat offering
and of the oil
thereof, and all the frankincense
which [is] upon the meat offering
and shall burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
[for] a sweet
[even] the memorial
of it, unto the LORD

Leviticus 6:20

This [is] the offering
of Aaron
and of his sons
which they shall offer
<07126> (8686)
unto the LORD
in the day
when he is anointed
<04886> (8736)_;
the tenth part
of an ephah
of fine flour
for a meat offering
of it in the morning
and half
thereof at night

Leviticus 7:21

Moreover the soul
that shall touch
<05060> (8799)
any unclean
[thing, as] the uncleanness
of man
or [any] unclean
or any abominable
[thing], and eat
<0398> (8804)
of the flesh
of the sacrifice
of peace offerings
which [pertain] unto the LORD
even that soul
shall be cut off
<03772> (8738)
from his people

Leviticus 9:7

And Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto Aaron
<07126> (8798)
unto the altar
and offer
<06213> (8798)
thy sin offering
and thy burnt offering
and make an atonement
<03722> (8761)
for thyself, and for the people
and offer
<06213> (8798)
the offering
of the people
and make an atonement
<03722> (8761)
for them; as the LORD
<06680> (8765)_.

Leviticus 9:24

And there came
<03318> (8799)
a fire
out from before
the LORD
and consumed
<0398> (8799)
upon the altar
the burnt offering
and the fat
[which] when all the people
<07200> (8799)_,
they shouted
<07442> (8799)_,
and fell
<05307> (8799)
on their faces

Leviticus 10:6

And Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto Aaron
and unto Eleazar
and unto Ithamar
his sons
<06544> (8799)
not your heads
neither rend
<06533> (8799)
your clothes
lest ye die
<04191> (8799)_,
and lest wrath
<07107> (8799)
come upon all the people
but let your brethren
the whole house
of Israel
<01058> (8799)
the burning
which the LORD
hath kindled
<08313> (8804)_.

Leviticus 12:7

Who shall offer
<07126> (8689)
it before
the LORD
and make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for her; and she shall be cleansed
<02891> (8804)
from the issue
of her blood
This [is] the law
for her that hath born
<03205> (8802)
a male
or a female

Leviticus 16:2

And the LORD
<0559> (8799)
unto Moses
<01696> (8761)
unto Aaron
thy brother
that he come
<0935> (8799)
not at all times
into the holy
[place] within
the vail
the mercy seat
which [is] upon the ark
that he die
<04191> (8799)
not: for I will appear
<07200> (8735)
in the cloud
upon the mercy

Leviticus 16:18

And he shall go out
<03318> (8804)
unto the altar
that [is] before
the LORD
and make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for it; and shall take
<03947> (8804)
of the blood
of the bullock
and of the blood
of the goat
and put
<05414> (8804)
[it] upon the horns
of the altar
round about

Leviticus 20:24

But I have said
<0559> (8799)
unto you, Ye shall inherit
<03423> (8799)
their land
and I will give
<05414> (8799)
it unto you to possess
<03423> (8800)
it, a land
that floweth
<02100> (8802)
with milk
and honey
I [am] the LORD
your God
which have separated
<0914> (8689)
you from [other] people

Leviticus 21:21

No man
that hath a blemish
of the seed
of Aaron
the priest
shall come nigh
<05066> (8799)
to offer
<07126> (8687)
the offerings
<0801> (0)
of the LORD
made by fire
he hath a blemish
he shall not come nigh
<05066> (8799)
to offer
<07126> (8687)
the bread
of his God

Leviticus 22:18

<01696> (8761)
unto Aaron
and to his sons
and unto all the children
of Israel
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Whatsoever
[he be] of the house
of Israel
or of the strangers
in Israel
that will offer
<07126> (8686)
his oblation
for all his vows
and for all his freewill offerings
which they will offer
<07126> (8686)
unto the LORD
for a burnt offering

Leviticus 23:3

shall work
be done
<06213> (8735)_:
but the seventh
[is] the sabbath
of rest
an holy
ye shall do
<06213> (8799)
no work
[therein]: it [is] the sabbath
of the LORD
in all your dwellings

Leviticus 23:22

And when ye reap
<07114> (8800)
the harvest
of your land
thou shalt not make clean riddance
<03615> (8762)
of the corners
of thy field
when thou reapest
<07114> (8800)_,
neither shalt thou gather
<03950> (8762)
any gleaning
of thy harvest
thou shalt leave
<05800> (8799)
them unto the poor
and to the stranger
I [am] the LORD
your God

Leviticus 23:39

Also in the fifteenth
<02568> <06240>
of the seventh
when ye have gathered
<0622> (8800)
in the fruit
of the land
ye shall keep
<02287> (8799)
a feast
unto the LORD
on the first
[shall be] a sabbath
and on the eighth
[shall be] a sabbath

Leviticus 24:16

And he that blasphemeth
<05344> (8802)
the name
of the LORD
he shall surely
<04191> (8800)
be put to death
<04191> (8714)_,
[and] all the congregation
shall certainly
<07275> (8800)
<07275> (8799)
him: as well the stranger
as he that is born in the land
when he blasphemeth
<05344> (8800)
the name
[of the LORD], shall be put to death
<04191> (8714)_.

Leviticus 26:1

Ye shall make
<06213> (8799)
you no idols
nor graven image
neither rear you up
<06965> (8686)
a standing image
neither shall ye set up
<05414> (8799)
[any] image
of stone
in your land
to bow down
<07812> (8692)
unto it: for I [am] the LORD
your God
{standing...: or, pillar} {image of...: or, figured stone: Heb. a stone of picture}

Leviticus 26:44

And yet
for all that
when they be
in the land
of their enemies
<0341> (8802)_,
I will not cast them away
<03988> (8804)_,
neither will I abhor
<01602> (8804)
them, to destroy them utterly
<03615> (8763)_,
and to break
<06565> (8687)
my covenant
with them: for I [am] the LORD
their God

Leviticus 27:16

And if a man
shall sanctify
<06942> (8686)
unto the LORD
[some part] of a field
of his possession
then thy estimation
shall be according
to the seed
thereof: an homer
of barley
[shall be valued] at fifty
of silver
{an...: or, the land of an homer, etc}

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