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NETBible: Strong -- 07704

sadeh <07704>

hds sadeh or yds saday

Pronunciation:saw-deh' saw-dah'-ee
Origin:from an unused root meaning to spread out
Reference:TWOT - 2236a 2236b
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:hdvh 131, hdvb 85, hdv 47, ydv 17, whdv 6, Kdv 5, twdv 5, hdvm 5, hdvw 3, ydvb 3, ydvm 2, wnytdv 2, Kdvb 2, hdvbw 1, hdvk 1, *hdvb {hdvhb} 1, hytdvw 1, hdvl 1, tdvh 1, hdvmw 1, Mkytwdv 1, twdvmw 1, Mhytwdv 1, wnytdvw 1, ydvl 1, twdvw 1, ydvw 1, Mhytdv 1, whdvl 1, wnydv 1, Kydv 1, Mtdvb 1, ydvbw 1
In NET:field 179, fields 54, wild 29, region 9, countryside 8, country 8, land 7, landed 5, territory 5, ground 2, area 2, open fields 2, plains 2, desert 1, there 1, battlefields 1, Fields 1, Moab 1, cemetery 1, whole field 1, fruit 1, open field 1, outskirts 1, pasture 1, open country 1, plot 1, food 1, harvest 1, property 1, slopes 1
In AV:field 292, country 17, land 11, wild 8, ground 4, soil 1
Definition:1) field, land
1a) cultivated field
1b) of home of wild beasts
1c) plain (opposed to mountain)
1d) land (opposed to sea)
or saday {saw-dah'-ee}; from an unused root meaning to spread
out; a field (as flat):-country, field, ground, land, soil,
X wild.

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