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NETBible: Strong -- 04393

m@lo' <04393>

alm m@lo' rarely awlm m@low' or wlm m@low (\\#Eze 41:8\\),

Pronunciation:mel-o' mel-o' mel-o'
Origin:from 04390
Reference:TWOT - 1195b
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:alm 15, halmw 8, hawlmw 3, walmw 3, awlm 2, almw 2, halmm 2, wawlmw 1, wlm 1, almm 1
In NET:everything 11, full 8, contains 4, handful 4, fill 2, over 1, all inhabitants 1, Fill 1, fills 1, handfuls 1, fullness 1, whole group 1, multitude 1
In AV:full 12, fulness 8, all that is therein 7, all 2, fill 2, handful 2, multitude 2, handful + 07062 1, handfuls + 02651 1
Definition:1) fulness, that which fills
1a) fulness, handful
1b) mass, multitude
1c) fulness, that which fills, entire contents
1d) full length, full line
rarely mlowf {mel-o'}; or mlow (Ezekiel 41:8), {mel-o'}; from
4390; fulness (literally or figuratively):-X all along, X
all that is (there-)in, fill, (X that whereof...was) full,
fulness, (hand- )full, multitude.
see HEBREW for 04390

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