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NETBible: Strong -- 07651

sheba` <07651>

ebv sheba` or (masc.) hebv shib`ah

Pronunciation:sheh'-bah shib-aw'
Origin:from 07650
Reference:TWOT - 2318
PrtSpch:noun masculine/feminime
In Hebrew:ebs 126, tebs 107, hebs 58, ebsw 34, hebsw 30, tebsw 9, hebsb 7, tebsl 6, hebsl 5, hebsbw 2, ebsb 2, hebsm 2, *Mtebs {Mytebs} 1, ebsh 1, ebsbw 1, hebsh 1, yeybsb 1, ebsl 1
In NET:seven 256, seventh 9, 7,000 8, Seven 7, twenty-seventh 6, seventeenth 6, seventeen 5, 700 4, 7,700 4, 7,337 4, thirty-seventh 3, seven-day 3, 137 3, seventy-seven 3, twenty-seven 3, 760 2, 1,775 2, 1,700 2, 743 2, 337,500 2, 1,247 2, 1,017 2, 57,400 2, 777 2, 62,700 2, 6,720 2, 37,000 1, 43,730 1, 44,760 1, 52,700 1, 1,760 1, 16,750 1, 2,750 1, 2,700 1, 17,200 1, 157,600 1, 27,000 1, 307,500 1, 12ΒΌ feet 1, 14,700 1, 3,700 1, 2,067 1, in all 1, 721 1, 667 1, 207 1, 187 1, 725 1, 730 1, 782 1, 775 1, 745 1, 736 1, 147 1, 127 1, fourteen 1, 87,000 1, 7,500 1, 7,100 1, 807 1, seven ounces 1, 67 1, thirty-seven 1, ten and a half feet 1, seventeen-year-old 1, 601,730 1
In AV:seven 355, seventh 13, seventeen + 06240 8, seven times 6, seventeenth + 06240 6, seventeenth 5, sevens + 07657 2, seven men 1, sevenfold 1, seventeen + 06235 1, seventeen + 07657 1
Definition:1) seven (cardinal number)
1a) as ordinal number
1b) in combination - 17, 700 etc
or (masculine) shibrah {shib-aw'}; from 7650; a primitive
cardinal number; seven (as the sacred full one); also
(adverbially) seven times; by implication, a week; by
extension, an indefinite number:-(+ by) seven(-fold),-s,
(-teen, -teenth), -th, times). Compare 7658.
see HEBREW for 07650
see HEBREW for 07658

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