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NETBible: Strong -- 03899

lechem <03899>

Mxl lechem

Origin:from 03898
Reference:TWOT - 1105a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:Mxl 193, Mxlw 17, Mxlh 15, wmxl 8, Mxll 8, ymxl 8, Mxlb 7, Kmxl 7, Mmxl 5, wnmxl 4, hmxl 3, Mkmxl 3, wmxlb 3, Mxlm 2, Mxllw 2, Mxlk 2, *Mxlhw {Mxlhlw} 1, ymxlw 1, Myaybm 1, ymxlb 1, wmxlm 1, Mxlbw 1, Kmxll 1, Kmxlb 1, Kmxlw 1
In NET:food 137, bread 96, meal 9, Bread 8, eat 4, loaves of bread 4, anything 2, dined 1, crops 1, consumed 1, Grain 1, cake of bread 1, Feasts 1, grain 1, nourish 1, produce crops 1, prosperity 1, sacrifices 1, meals 1, loaves 1, something 1, hungry 1, living 1, fruit 1
In AV:bread 237, food 21, meat 18, shewbread + 06440 5, loaves 5, shewbread + 04635 3, shewbread 2, victuals 2, eat 1, feast 1, fruit 1, provision 1
Definition:1) bread, food, grain
1a) bread
1a1) bread
1a2) bread-corn
1b) food (in general)
from 3898; food (for man or beast), especially bread, or
grain (for making it):-((shew-))bread, X eat, food, fruit,
loaf, meat, victuals. See also 1036.
see HEBREW for 03898
see HEBREW for 01036

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