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NETBible: Strong -- 0929

b@hemah <0929>

hmhb b@hemah

Origin:from an unused root (probably meaning to be mute)
Reference:TWOT - 208a
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:hmhbh 43, hmhb 41, hmhbw 17, hmhbbw 13, twmhb 10, hmhbb 10, tmhblw 7, Ktmhb 6, hmhbhw 5, tmhb 4, Mtmhb 3, hmhbl 3, hmhblw 3, htmhb 2, hmhbk 2, wtmhb 2, twmhbk 2, tmhbb 1, hmhbhm 1, Ktmhblw 1, wntmhb 1, Mktmhbw 1, twmhbm 1, Mktmhb 1, Mtmhbl 1, Ktmhbw 1, Ktmhbbw 1, htmhbw 1, wntmhbbw 1, Mtmhbw 1, Ktmhbl 1, wntmhbl 1, wnytmhbw 1, twmhbb 1
In NET:animals 85, animal 40, cattle 24, livestock 15, beast 6, beasts 6, domestic animals 3, wild animals 2, animal's 2, animal kingdom 1, various kinds 1, animals creatures 1, herds 1, commits bestiality 1, one 1
In AV:beast 136, cattle 53
Definition:1) beast, cattle, animal
1a) beasts (coll of all animals)
1b) cattle, livestock (of domestic animals)
1c) wild beasts
from an unused root (probably meaning to be mute); properly,
a dumb beast; especially any large quadruped or animal (often
collective):-beast, cattle.

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