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Exodus 2:9

And Pharaoh's
<0559> (8799)
unto her, Take
<03212> (0)
this child
<03212> (8685)_,
and nurse
<03243> (8685)
it for me, and I will give
<05414> (8799)
[thee] thy wages
And the woman
<03947> (8799)
the child
and nursed
<05134> (8686)

Exodus 2:13

And when he went out
<03318> (8799)
the second
behold, two
of the Hebrews
<05327> (8737)
together: and he said
<0559> (8799)
to him that did the wrong
Wherefore smitest
<05221> (8686)
thou thy fellow

Exodus 3:6

Moreover he said
<0559> (8799)_,
I [am] the God
of thy father
the God
of Abraham
the God
of Isaac
and the God
of Jacob
And Moses
<05641> (8686)
his face
for he was afraid
<03372> (8804)
to look
<05027> (8687)
upon God

Exodus 3:13

And Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto God
Behold, [when] I come
<0935> (8802)
unto the children
of Israel
and shall say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, The God
of your fathers
hath sent
<07971> (8804)
me unto you; and they shall say
<0559> (8804)
to me, What [is] his name
what shall I say
<0559> (8799)
unto them?

Exodus 4:4

And the LORD
<0559> (8799)
unto Moses
Put forth
<07971> (8798)
thine hand
and take
<0270> (8798)
it by the tail
And he put forth
<07971> (8799)
his hand
and caught
<02388> (8686)
it, and it became a rod
in his hand

Exodus 4:10

And Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto the LORD
my Lord
[am] not eloquent
neither heretofore
<08032> <08543>_,
nor since
thou hast spoken
<01696> (8763)
unto thy servant
but I [am] slow
of speech
and of a slow
{eloquent: Heb. a man of words} {heretofore: Heb. since yesterday, nor since the third day}

Exodus 4:15

And thou shalt speak
<01696> (8765)
unto him, and put
<07760> (8804)
in his mouth
and I will be with thy mouth
and with his mouth
and will teach
<03384> (8689)
you what ye shall do
<06213> (8799)_.

Exodus 4:21

And the LORD
<0559> (8799)
unto Moses
When thou goest
<03212> (8800)
to return
<07725> (8800)
into Egypt
<07200> (8798)
that thou do
<06213> (8804)
all those wonders
which I have put
<07760> (8804)
in thine hand
but I will harden
<02388> (8762)
his heart
that he shall not let the people
<07971> (8762)_.

Exodus 5:14

And the officers
<07860> (8802)
of the children
of Israel
which Pharaoh's
<05065> (8802)
had set
<07760> (8804)
over them, were beaten
<05221> (8714)_,
[and] demanded
<0559> (8800)_,
Wherefore have ye not fulfilled
<03615> (8765)
your task
in making brick
<03835> (8800)
both yesterday
and to day
as heretofore
<08032> <08543>_?

Exodus 7:15

<03212> (8798)
thee unto Pharaoh
in the morning
lo, he goeth out
<03318> (8802)
unto the water
and thou shalt stand
<05324> (8738)
by the river's
against he come
<07125> (8800)_;
and the rod
which was turned
<02015> (8738)
to a serpent
shalt thou take
<03947> (8799)
in thine hand

Exodus 8:28

And Pharaoh
<0559> (8799)_,
I will let you go
<07971> (8762)_,
that ye may sacrifice
<02076> (8804)
to the LORD
your God
in the wilderness
only ye shall not go
<03212> (8800)
<07368> (8687)
far away
<07368> (8686)_:
<06279> (8685)
for me

Exodus 9:3

Behold, the hand
of the LORD
<01961> (8802)
upon thy cattle
which [is] in the field
upon the horses
upon the asses
upon the camels
upon the oxen
and upon the sheep
[there shall be] a very

Exodus 10:12

And the LORD
<0559> (8799)
unto Moses
Stretch out
<05186> (8798)
thine hand
over the land
of Egypt
for the locusts
that they may come up
<05927> (8799)
upon the land
of Egypt
and eat
<0398> (8799)
every herb
of the land
[even] all that the hail
hath left
<07604> (8689)_.

Exodus 10:21

And the LORD
<0559> (8799)
unto Moses
Stretch out
<05186> (8798)
thine hand
toward heaven
that there may be darkness
over the land
of Egypt
even darkness
[which] may be felt
<04959> (8686)_.
{even...: Heb. that one may feel darkness}

Exodus 11:8

And all these thy servants
shall come down
<03381> (8804)
unto me, and bow down
<07812> (8694)
themselves unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
Get thee out
<03318> (8798)_,
and all the people
that follow
thee: and after
that I will go out
<03318> (8799)_.
And he went out
<03318> (8799)
from Pharaoh
in a great
{that follow...: Heb. that is at thy feet} {a great...: Heb. heat of anger}

Exodus 12:17

And ye shall observe
<08104> (8804)
[the feast of] unleavened bread
for in this selfsame
have I brought
<03318> (8689)
your armies
out of the land
of Egypt
therefore shall ye observe
<08104> (8804)
this day
in your generations
by an ordinance
for ever

Exodus 12:19

shall there be no leaven
<04672> (8735)
in your houses
for whosoever eateth
<0398> (8802)
that which is leavened
<02556> (8688)_,
even that soul
shall be cut off
<03772> (8738)
from the congregation
of Israel
whether he be a stranger
or born
in the land

Exodus 12:21

Then Moses
<07121> (8799)
for all the elders
of Israel
and said
<0559> (8799)
unto them, Draw out
<04900> (8798)
and take
<03947> (8798)
you a lamb
according to your families
and kill
<07819> (8798)
the passover
{lamb: or, kid}

Exodus 13:7

Unleavened bread
shall be eaten
<0398> (8735)
and there shall no leavened bread
be seen
<07200> (8735)
with thee, neither shall there be leaven
<07200> (8735)
with thee in all thy quarters

Exodus 13:13-14

And every firstling
of an ass
thou shalt redeem
<06299> (8799)
with a lamb
and if thou wilt not redeem
<06299> (8799)
it, then thou shalt break his neck
<06202> (8804)_:
and all the firstborn
of man
among thy children
shalt thou redeem
<06299> (8799)_.
{lamb: or, kid}
And it shall be when thy son
<07592> (8799)
thee in time to come
<0559> (8800)_,
What [is] this? that thou shalt say
<0559> (8804)
unto him, By strength
of hand
the LORD
brought us out
<03318> (8689)
from Egypt
from the house
of bondage
{in...: Heb. to morrow}

Exodus 15:8

And with the blast
of thy nostrils
the waters
were gathered together
<06192> (8738)_,
the floods
<05140> (8802)
stood upright
<05324> (8738)
as an heap
[and] the depths
were congealed
<07087> (8804)
in the heart
of the sea

Exodus 16:7

And in the morning
then ye shall see
<07200> (8804)
the glory
of the LORD
for that he heareth
<08085> (8800)
your murmurings
against the LORD
and what [are] we
that ye murmur
<03885> (8686) (8675) <03885> (8735)
against us?

Exodus 16:12

I have heard
<08085> (8804)
the murmurings
of the children
of Israel
<01696> (8761)
unto them, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
At even
<0996> <06153>
ye shall eat
<0398> (8799)
and in the morning
ye shall be filled
<07646> (8799)
with bread
and ye shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
your God

Exodus 20:25

And if thou wilt make
<06213> (8799)
me an altar
of stone
thou shalt not build
<01129> (8799)
it of hewn stone
for if thou lift up
<05130> (8689)
thy tool
upon it, thou hast polluted
<02490> (8762)
it. {build...: Heb. build them with hewing}

Exodus 28:1

And take
<07126> (8685)
thou unto thee Aaron
thy brother
and his sons
with him, from among
the children
of Israel
that he may minister unto me in the priest's office
<03547> (8763)_,
[even] Aaron
and Abihu
and Ithamar

Exodus 28:41

And thou shalt put
<03847> (8689)
them upon Aaron
thy brother
and his sons
with him; and shalt anoint
<04886> (8804)
them, and consecrate
<04390> (8765) <03027>
them, and sanctify
<06942> (8765)
them, that they may minister unto me in the priest's office
<03547> (8765)_.
{consecrate...: Heb. fill their hand}

Exodus 29:12

And thou shalt take
<03947> (8804)
of the blood
of the bullock
and put
<05414> (8804)
[it] upon the horns
of the altar
with thy finger
and pour
<08210> (8799)
all the blood
the bottom
of the altar

Exodus 29:26

And thou shalt take
<03947> (8804)
the breast
of the ram
of Aaron's
and wave
<05130> (8689)
it [for] a wave offering
the LORD
and it shall be thy part

Exodus 29:42

[This shall be] a continual
burnt offering
throughout your generations
[at] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
the LORD
where I will meet
<03259> (8735)
you, to speak
<01696> (8763)
there unto thee.

Exodus 30:8

And when Aaron
<05927> (8687)
the lamps
at even
he shall burn incense
<06999> (8686)
upon it, a perpetual
the LORD
throughout your generations
{lighteth: or setteth up: Heb. causeth to ascend} {at even: Heb. between the two evenings}

Exodus 30:15-16

The rich
shall not give more
<07235> (8686)_,
and the poor
shall not give less
<04591> (8686)
than half
a shekel
when [they] give
<05414> (8800)
an offering
unto the LORD
to make an atonement
<03722> (8763)
for your souls
{give more: Heb. multiply} {give less: Heb. diminish}
And thou shalt take
<03947> (8804)
the atonement
of the children
of Israel
and shalt appoint
<05414> (8804)
it for the service
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
that it may be a memorial
unto the children
of Israel
the LORD
to make an atonement
<03722> (8763)
for your souls

Exodus 31:13

<01696> (8761)
thou also unto the children
of Israel
<0559> (8800)_,
my sabbaths
ye shall keep
<08104> (8799)_:
for it [is] a sign
between me and you throughout your generations
that [ye] may know
<03045> (8800)
that I [am] the LORD
that doth sanctify
<06942> (8764)

Exodus 32:4

And he received
<03947> (8799)
[them] at their hand
and fashioned
<06696> (8799)
it with a graving tool
after he had made
<06213> (8799)
it a molten
and they said
<0559> (8799)_,
These [be] thy gods
O Israel
which brought
<05927> (8689)
thee up out of the land
of Egypt

Exodus 32:30

And it came to pass on the morrow
that Moses
<0559> (8799)
unto the people
Ye have sinned
<02398> (8804)
a great
and now I will go up
<05927> (8799)
unto the LORD
I shall make an atonement
<03722> (8762)
your sin

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