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NETBible: Strong -- 07563

rasha` <07563>

evr rasha`

Origin:from 07561
Reference:TWOT - 2222b
In Hebrew:Myesr 105, esr 91, esrl 13, esrh 8, Myesrh 8, Myesrw 7, Myesrm 5, esrw 5, yesr 3, Myesrl 2, esrk 2, esrlw 2, hesrh 2, Myesrb 1, erh 1, esrm 1, *esrh {esr} 1, Myesrhw 1, esrhw 1, esrlh 1, Myesrlw 1, yesrlw 1
In NET:wicked 139, guilty 8, evil 7, wicked person 5, evil men 3, wickedness 2, Evil 2, evil people 1, The wicked 1, Evil men 1, criminals 1, cruel 1, ruthless 1, wicked men 1, wicked people 1, wicked scoundrels 1, unreliable 1, trouble 1, wrong 1, sinful 1, guilty person 1
In AV:wicked 249, ungodly 8, wicked man 3, misc 3
Definition:1) wicked, criminal
1a) guilty one, one guilty of crime (subst)
1b) wicked (hostile to God)
1c) wicked, guilty of sin (against God or man)
from 7561; morally wrong; concretely, an (actively) bad
person:-+ condemned, guilty, ungodly, wicked (man), that did
see HEBREW for 07561

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