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NETBible: Strong -- 01060

b@kowr <01060>

rwkb b@kowr

Origin:from 01069
Reference:TWOT - 244a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:rwkb 54, rwkbh 23, wrkb 8, rkb 7, rkbh 5, yrwkb 4, wrwkb 3, Krkb 3, yrkb 3, rkbm 2, rwkbm 2, rkbb 1, Mhyrwkbb 1, rkbl 1, wrkbb 1, twrkb 1
In NET:firstborn 91, firstborn son 12, firstborn males 6, firstborn sons 3, oldest 2, first son 1, firstborn male 1, terrible 1, firstborn child 1
In AV:firstborn 101, firstling 10, eldest 4, firstborn + 01121 1, eldest son 1
Definition:1) firstborn, firstling
1a) of men and women
1b) of animals
1c) noun of relation (fig.)
from 1069; firstborn; hence, chief:-eldest (son),
see HEBREW for 01069

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