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NETBible: Strong -- 03847

labash <03847>

vbl labash or vbl labesh

Pronunciation:law-bash' law-bashe'
Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1075
In Hebrew:sbl 13, sblyw 11, wsbly 8, ysbl 6, sbly 5, swbl 5, tsblhw 4, sblw 4, Mysblm 4, sybla 3, sbltw 3, hsbl 3, Msblyw 2, ysblt 2, Mtsblhw 2, sblt 2, sbll 2, wsbl 2, sblh 1, wsblyw 1, ynsyblt 1, tsbl 1, wytsblhw 1, Ksyblaw 1, Mysblh 1, Msblw 1, Mksblmh 1, wsyblh 1, ytsbl 1, wsblt 1, sblhw 1, Nsblt 1, Mwsblyw 1, ynsblyw 1, syblt 1, *wsblw {wsbly} 1, whsblyw 1, hsyblh 1, Msbly 1, ysblw 1, syblhl 1, syblth 1, hnsbla 1, ynsyblh 1, wsblw 1, wsyblhw 1, sbln 1
In NET:put on 21, clothed 21, wear 11, clothe 11, dressed 8, put 5, robed 3, clothes 2, dress 2, Clothe 2, Put on 2, dress up 1, armor 1, attired 1, control 1, dressed in 1, armed 1, covered 1, experience 1, puts on 1, put on clothes 1, taunt 1, wearing 1, wore 1, wears 1, provide 1, protect 1, worn 1, energized 1, find clothes 1, humiliate 1, made 1, empowered 1
In AV:clothe 51, put on 22, put 18, array 6, wear 4, armed 3, came 3, apparel 1, apparelled 1, clothed them 1, came upon 1, variant 1
Definition:1) to dress, wear, clothe, put on clothing, be clothed
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to put on clothes, be clothed, wear
1a2) to put on, be clothed with (fig.)
1b) (Pual) to be fully clothed
1c) (Hiphil) to clothe, array with, dress
or labesh {law-bashe'}; a primitive root; properly, wrap
around, i.e. (by implication) to put on a garment or clothe
(oneself, or another), literally or figuratively:-(in)
apparel, arm, array (self), clothe (self), come upon, put (on,
upon), wear.

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