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Psalms 6:10

Let all mine enemies
<0341> (8802)
be ashamed
<0954> (8799)
and sore
<0926> (8735)_:
let them return
<07725> (8799)
[and] be ashamed
<0954> (8799)

Psalms 7:3

my God
if I have done
<06213> (8804)
this; if there be
in my hands

Psalms 11:6

Upon the wicked
he shall rain
<04305> (8686)
and brimstone
and an horrible
[this shall be] the portion
of their cup
{an horrible...: or, a burning tempest}

Psalms 14:3

They are all gone aside
<05493> (8804)_,
they are [all] together
become filthy
<0444> (8738)_:
[there is] none that doeth
<06213> (8802)
no, not one
{filthy: Heb. stinking}

Psalms 18:7

Then the earth
<01607> (8799)
and trembled
<07493> (8799)_;
the foundations
also of the hills
<07264> (8799)
and were shaken
<01607> (8691)_,
because he was wroth
<02734> (8804)_.

Psalms 18:17

He delivered
<05337> (8686)
me from my strong
<0341> (8802)_,
and from them which hated
<08130> (8802)
me: for they were too strong
<0553> (8804)
for me.

Psalms 27:2

When the wicked
<07489> (8688)_,
[even] mine enemies
and my foes
<0341> (8802)_,
<07126> (8800)
upon me to eat up
<0398> (8800)
my flesh
they stumbled
<03782> (8804)
and fell
<05307> (8804)_.
{came...: Heb. approached against me}

Psalms 31:4

Pull me out
<03318> (8686)
of the net
they have laid privily
<02934> (8804)
for me: for thou [art] my strength

Psalms 35:7-8

For without cause
have they hid
<02934> (8804)
for me their net
[in] a pit
[which] without cause
they have digged
<02658> (8804)
for my soul
Let destruction
<0935> (8799)
upon him at unawares
<03045> (8799) <03808>_;
and let his net
that he hath hid
<02934> (8804)
<03920> (8799)
himself: into that very destruction
let him fall
<05307> (8799)_.
{at...: Heb. which he knoweth not of}

Psalms 35:20

For they speak
<01696> (8762)
not peace
but they devise
<02803> (8799)
against [them that are] quiet
in the land

Psalms 36:8

They shall be abundantly satisfied
<07301> (8799)
with the fatness
of thy house
and thou shalt make them drink
<08248> (8686)
of the river
of thy pleasures
{abundantly...: Heb. watered}

Psalms 37:20

But the wicked
shall perish
<06> (8799)_,
and the enemies
<0341> (8802)
of the LORD
[shall be] as the fat
of lambs
they shall consume
<03615> (8804)_;
into smoke
shall they consume away
<03615> (8804)_.
{the fat: Heb. the preciousness}

Psalms 38:4

For mine iniquities
are gone over
<05674> (8804)
mine head
as an heavy
they are too heavy
<03513> (8799)
for me.

Psalms 41:7-8

All that hate
<08130> (8802)
me whisper
<03907> (8691)
against me: against me do they devise
<02803> (8799)
my hurt
{my...: Heb. evil to me}
An evil
[say they], cleaveth fast
<03332> (8803)
unto him: and [now] that he lieth
<07901> (8804)
he shall rise up
<06965> (8800)
no more
<03254> (8686)_.
{An...: Heb. A thing of Belial}

Psalms 42:3

My tears
have been my meat
and night
while they continually
<0559> (8800)
unto me, Where [is] thy God

Psalms 44:10

Thou makest us to turn
<07725> (8686)
from the enemy
and they which hate
<08130> (8764)
us spoil
<08154> (8804)
for themselves.

Psalms 52:6

The righteous
also shall see
<07200> (8799)_,
and fear
<03372> (8799)_,
and shall laugh
<07832> (8799)
at him:

Psalms 53:3

Every one of them is gone back
<05472> (8804)_:
they are altogether
become filthy
<0444> (8738)_;
[there is] none that doeth
<06213> (8802)
no, not one

Psalms 55:18

He hath delivered
<06299> (8804)
my soul
in peace
from the battle
[that was] against me: for there were many
with me.

Psalms 56:7-8

Shall they escape
by iniquity
in [thine] anger
cast down
<03381> (8685)
the people
O God
Thou tellest
<05608> (8804)
my wanderings
<07760> (8798)
thou my tears
into thy bottle
[are they] not in thy book

Psalms 60:4

Thou hast given
<05414> (8804)
a banner
to them that fear
thee, that it may be displayed
<05127> (8710)
of the truth

Psalms 64:4

That they may shoot
<03384> (8800)
in secret
at the perfect
do they shoot
<03384> (8686)
at him, and fear
<03372> (8799)

Psalms 64:9

And all men
shall fear
<03372> (8799)_,
and shall declare
<05046> (8686)
the work
of God
for they shall wisely consider
<07919> (8689)
of his doing

Psalms 66:4

All the earth
shall worship
<07812> (8691)
thee, and shall sing
<02167> (8762)
unto thee; they shall sing
<02167> (8762)
[to] thy name

Psalms 66:6

He turned
<02015> (8804)
the sea
into dry
[land]: they went
<05674> (8799)
through the flood
on foot
there did we rejoice
<08055> (8799)
in him.

Psalms 68:9

Thou, O God
didst send
<05130> (8686)
a plentiful
whereby thou didst confirm
<03559> (8790)
thine inheritance
when it was weary
<03811> (8738)_.
{send: Heb. shake out} {confirm: Heb. confirm it}

Psalms 68:12

of armies
did flee
<05074> (8799)
<05074> (8799)_:
and she that tarried
at home
<02505> (8762)
the spoil
{did...: Heb. did flee, did flee}

Psalms 68:17

The chariots
of God
[are] twenty thousand
[even] thousands
of angels
the Lord
[is] among them, [as in] Sinai
in the holy
[place]. {even...: or, even many thousands}

Psalms 68:24

They have seen
<07200> (8804)
thy goings
O God
[even] the goings
of my God
my King
in the sanctuary

Psalms 71:11

<0559> (8800)_,
hath forsaken
<05800> (8804)
him: persecute
<07291> (8798)
and take
<08610> (8798)
him; for [there is] none to deliver
<05337> (8688)

Psalms 72:12

For he shall deliver
<05337> (8686)
the needy
when he crieth
<07768> (8764)_;
the poor
also, and [him] that hath no helper
<05826> (8802)_.

Psalms 73:10-11

Therefore his people
<07725> (8799) (8675) <07725> (8686)
and waters
of a full
[cup] are wrung out
<04680> (8735)
to them.
And they say
<0559> (8804)_,
How doth God
<03045> (8804)_?
and is there
in the most High

Psalms 73:20

As a dream
when [one] awaketh
<06974> (8687)_;
[so], O Lord
when thou awakest
thou shalt despise
<0959> (8799)
their image

Psalms 78:22

Because they believed
<0539> (8689)
not in God
and trusted
<0982> (8804)
not in his salvation

Psalms 78:39

For he remembered
<02142> (8799)
that they [were but] flesh
a wind
that passeth away
<01980> (8802)_,
and cometh not again
<07725> (8799)_.

Psalms 79:3

Their blood
have they shed
<08210> (8804)
like water
round about
and [there was] none to bury
<06912> (8802)

Psalms 80:4

of hosts
how long wilt thou be angry
<06225> (8804)
against the prayer
of thy people
{be...: Heb. smoke}

Psalms 83:18

That [men] may know
<03045> (8799)
that thou, whose name
alone [is] JEHOVAH
[art] the most high
over all the earth

Psalms 86:9

All nations
whom thou hast made
<06213> (8804)
shall come
<0935> (8799)
and worship
<07812> (8691)
thee, O Lord
and shall glorify
<03513> (8762)
thy name

Psalms 91:12

They shall bear thee up
<05375> (8799)
in [their] hands
lest thou dash
<05062> (8799)
thy foot
against a stone

Psalms 92:7

When the wicked
<06524> (8800)
as the grass
and when all the workers
<06466> (8802)
of iniquity
do flourish
<06692> (8686)_;
[it is] that they shall be destroyed
<08045> (8736)
for ever

Psalms 94:7

Yet they say
<0559> (8799)_,
shall not see
<07200> (8799)_,
neither shall the God
of Jacob
<0995> (8799)

Psalms 95:9

When your fathers
<05254> (8765)
me, proved
<0974> (8804)
me, and saw
<07200> (8804)
my work

Psalms 99:7

He spake
<01696> (8762)
unto them in the cloudy
they kept
<08104> (8804)
his testimonies
and the ordinance
[that] he gave
<05414> (8804)

Psalms 104:14

He causeth the grass
to grow
<06779> (8688)
for the cattle
and herb
for the service
of man
that he may bring forth
<03318> (8687)
out of the earth

Psalms 104:16

The trees
of the LORD
are full
<07646> (8799)
[of sap]; the cedars
of Lebanon
which he hath planted
<05193> (8804)_;

Psalms 104:30

Thou sendest
<07971> (8762)
forth thy spirit
they are created
<01254> (8735)_:
and thou renewest
<02318> (8762)
the face
of the earth

Psalms 104:32

He looketh
<05027> (8688)
on the earth
and it trembleth
<07460> (8799)_:
he toucheth
<05060> (8799)
the hills
and they smoke
<06225> (8799)_.

Psalms 105:44

And gave
<05414> (8799)
them the lands
of the heathen
and they inherited
<03423> (8799)
the labour
of the people

Psalms 106:43

did he deliver
<05337> (8686)
them; but they provoked
<04784> (8686)
[him] with their counsel
and were brought low
<04355> (8799)
for their iniquity
{brought...: or, impoverished, or, weakened}

Psalms 107:7

And he led them forth
<01869> (8686)
by the right
that they might go
<03212> (8800)
to a city
of habitation

Psalms 107:11

Because they rebelled
<04784> (8689)
against the words
of God
and contemned
<05006> (8804)
the counsel
of the most High

Psalms 107:20

He sent
<07971> (8799)
his word
and healed
<07495> (8799)
them, and delivered
<04422> (8762)
[them] from their destructions

Psalms 107:30

Then are they glad
<08055> (8799)
because they be quiet
<08367> (8799)_;
so he bringeth
<05148> (8686)
them unto their desired

Psalms 107:38-39

He blesseth
<01288> (8762)
them also, so that they are multiplied
<07235> (8799)
and suffereth
<04591> (0)
not their cattle
to decrease
<04591> (8686)_.
Again, they are minished
<04591> (8799)
and brought low
<07817> (8799)
through oppression
and sorrow

Psalms 119:14

I have rejoiced
<07797> (8804)
in the way
of thy testimonies
as [much as] in
all riches

Psalms 119:74

They that fear
thee will be glad
<08055> (8799)
when they see
<07200> (8799)
me; because I have hoped
<03176> (8765)
in thy word

Psalms 129:6

Let them be as the grass
[upon] the housetops
which withereth
<03001> (8804)
it groweth up
<08025> (8804)_:

Psalms 132:15

I will abundantly
<01288> (8763)
<01288> (8762)
her provision
I will satisfy
<07646> (8686)
her poor
with bread
{abundantly: or, surely}

Psalms 138:4

All the kings
of the earth
shall praise
<03034> (8686)
thee, O LORD
when they hear
<08085> (8804)
the words
of thy mouth

Psalms 141:9

<08104> (8798)
me from the snares
<03027> <06341>
[which] they have laid
<03369> (8804)
for me, and the gins
of the workers
<06466> (8802)
of iniquity

Psalms 146:4

His breath
goeth forth
<03318> (8799)_,
he returneth
<07725> (8799)
to his earth
in that very day
his thoughts
<06> (8804)_.

Psalms 147:20

He hath not dealt
<06213> (8804)
so with any nation
and [as for his] judgments
they have not known
<03045> (8804)
them. Praise
<01984> (8761)
ye the LORD

Psalms 148:5

Let them praise
<01984> (8762)
the name
of the LORD
for he commanded
<06680> (8765)_,
and they were created
<01254> (8738)_.

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