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NETBible: Strong -- 05337

natsal <05337>

lun natsal

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1404
In Hebrew:lyum 17, ynlyuh 15, lyuhl 11, lyuh 10, wlyuh 9, luyw 7, ytluhw 7, wnlyuy 7, lyuy 7, wlyuy 7, tluh 5, lyut 5, Mlyuy 4, wnlyuh 4, Klyuhl 4, ynlyuhw 4, wluny 4, ynlyuy 3, ynlyut 3, wlyuhh 3, wlyuhw 3, Klyuy 3, luh 3, lyuhw 3, wnlyuhw 2, lunt 2, hlyuh 2, Kytluhw 2, lunhl 2, wlunyw 2, Klyua 2, ynlyuhl 2, Mlyuhl 2, lum 2, ynluyw 2, Mtluh 2, luhw 2, luny 2, luaw 2, luhh 1, whlyuy 1, tluhw 1, Mlyut 1, Klyuhlw 1, whluyw 1, wnlyut 1, lyua 1, lyumh 1, wnlyuyw 1, Mlyuhw 1, Mytluhw 1, wluntyw 1, hlyuyw 1, Mlyutw 1, Mlyuh 1, lut 1, lyuhlw 1, wlyuhl 1, hnlyuy 1, Mtluhw 1, lyuaw 1, wnluh 1, lunhw 1, Kluhl 1, Mtlunw 1, Kytluh 1, hwlyuyw 1, hluna 1, lunh 1, wnlun 1, luntw 1, ylunt 1, Mluyw 1, ynluh 1
In NET:rescue 36, deliver 25, rescued 13, Deliver 11, delivered 8, Rescue 7, save 4, saved 3, rescues 2, escape 1, delivers 1, delivering 1, defended 1, Vindicate 1, carried away 1, carry out 1, get away 1, plunder 1, salvaged 1, safe 1, salvages 1, snatched 1, stop 1, retrieved 1, resist 1, involved 1, kept 1, take away 1, reclaim 1, help 1
In AV:deliver 179, recover 5, rid 3, escape 2, rescue 2, spoil 2, at all 2, take out 2, misc 16
Definition:1) to snatch away, deliver, rescue, save, strip, plunder
1a) (Niphal)
1a1) to tear oneself away, deliver oneself
1a2) to be torn out or away, be delivered
1b) (Piel)
1b1) to strip off, spoil
1b2) to deliver
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to take away, snatch away
1c2) to rescue, recover
1c3) to deliver (from enemies or troubles or death)
1c4) to deliver from sin and guilt
1d) (Hophal) to be plucked out
1e) (Hithpael) to strip oneself
a primitive root; to snatch away, whether in a good or a bad
sense:- X at all, defend, deliver (self), escape, X without
fail, part, pluck, preserve, recover, rescue, rid, save,
spoil, strip, X surely, take (out).

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