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NETBible: Strong -- 05104

nahar <05104>

rhn nahar

Origin:from 05102
Reference:TWOT - 1315a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:rhnh 32, rhn 26, twrhn 18, rhnw 5, rhnb 5, Myrhn 3, rhnk 3, yrhnl 2, twrhnh 2, rhnmw 2, twrhnk 2, rhnm 2, twrhnbw 2, twrhnw 1, twrhnkw 1, Mtwrhnw 1, Mtrhn 1, yrhn 1, hytrhn 1, trhnh 1, hytwrhn 1, Myrhnbh 1, rhnhw 1, Kytrhnw 1, Kytwrhnb 1, Myrhnb 1, rhnl 1, Mtwrhn 1
In NET:River 27, rivers 18, river 17, streams 12, Euphrates 9, Euphrates River 6, Trans-Euphrates 4, waves 3, Rivers 2, Canal 2, flash floods 1, canals 1, flood 1, canal 1, ocean current 1, sea 1, sluice 1, stream 1, river's side 1, river's 1, flow 1, ocean currents 1, paths 1, floodwaters 1
In AV:river 98, flood 18, streams 2, Aramnaharaim + 0763 1, river side 1
Definition:1) stream, river
1a) stream, river
1b) (underground) streams
from 5102; a stream (including the sea; expec. the Nile,
Euphrates, etc.); figuratively, prosperity:-flood, river.
see HEBREW for 05102
in Bible:
beyond the Euphrates (NET, NRSV)
Beyond the Euphrates (KJV, TEV)
beyond the River (NASB)
Euphrates (NIV)
sea 3220 of the Philistines (NASB)
sea of the Philistines (NET, NRSV)
Sea of the Philistines (KJV, NIV, TEV)

Also search for "nahar" and display in [NET] and Parallel Bibles.
Also explore "nahar" (beyond the Euphrates; sea of the Philistines) in Bible Study Dictionaries

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