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Jeremiah 1:5

I formed
<03335> (8799)
thee in the belly
I knew
<03045> (8804)
thee; and before thou camest forth
<03318> (8799)
out of the womb
I sanctified
<06942> (8689)
thee, [and] I ordained
<05414> (8804)
thee a prophet
unto the nations
{ordained: Heb. gave}

Jeremiah 2:5

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
What iniquity
have your fathers
<04672> (8804)
in me, that they are gone far
<07368> (8804)
from me, and have walked
<03212> (8799)
and are become vain
<01891> (8799)_?

Jeremiah 3:18

In those days
the house
of Judah
shall walk
<03212> (8799)
with the house
of Israel
and they shall come
<0935> (8799)
out of the land
of the north
to the land
that I have given for an inheritance
<05157> (8689)
unto your fathers
{with: or, to} {given...: or, caused your fathers to possess}

Jeremiah 4:18

Thy way
and thy doings
have procured
<06213> (8804)
these [things] unto thee; this [is] thy wickedness
because it is bitter
because it reacheth
<05060> (8804)
unto thine heart

Jeremiah 6:26

O daughter
of my people
<02296> (8798)
[thee] with sackcloth
and wallow
<06428> (8690)
thyself in ashes
<06213> (8798)
thee mourning
[as for] an only son
most bitter
for the spoiler
<07703> (8802)
shall suddenly
<0935> (8799)
upon us.

Jeremiah 7:4

<0982> (8799)
ye not in lying
<0559> (8800)_,
The temple
of the LORD
The temple
of the LORD
The temple
of the LORD
[are] these.

Jeremiah 7:14

Therefore will I do
<06213> (8804)
unto [this] house
which is called
<07121> (8738)
by my name
wherein ye trust
<0982> (8802)_,
and unto the place
which I gave
<05414> (8804)
to you and to your fathers
as I have done
<06213> (8804)
to Shiloh

Jeremiah 7:23

But this thing
<06680> (8765)
I them, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
<08085> (8798)
my voice
and I will be your God
and ye shall be my people
and walk
<01980> (8804)
ye in all the ways
that I have commanded
<06680> (8762)
you, that it may be well
<03190> (8799)
unto you.

Jeremiah 7:29

Cut off
<01494> (8798)
thine hair
[O Jerusalem], and cast [it] away
<07993> (8685)_,
and take up
<05375> (8798)
a lamentation
on high places
for the LORD
hath rejected
<03988> (8804)
and forsaken
<05203> (8799)
the generation
of his wrath

Jeremiah 8:9

The wise
[men] are ashamed
<03001> (8689)_,
they are dismayed
<02865> (8804)
and taken
<03920> (8735)_:
lo, they have rejected
<03988> (8804)
the word
of the LORD
and what wisdom
[is] in them? {The wise...: or, Have they been ashamed, etc} {what...: Heb. the wisdom of what thing}

Jeremiah 11:16

<07121> (8804)
thy name
A green
olive tree
[and] of goodly
with the noise
of a great
he hath kindled
<03341> (8689)
upon it, and the branches
of it are broken
<07489> (8804)_.

Jeremiah 13:20

Lift up
<05375> (8798)
your eyes
and behold
<07200> (8798)
them that come
<0935> (8802)
from the north
where [is] the flock
[that] was given
<05414> (8738)
thee, thy beautiful

Jeremiah 14:7

though our iniquities
<06030> (8804)
against us, do
<06213> (8798)
thou [it] for thy name's
sake: for our backslidings
are many
<07231> (8804)_;
we have sinned
<02398> (8804)
against thee.

Jeremiah 15:6

Thou hast forsaken
<05203> (8804)
me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
thou art gone
<03212> (8799)
therefore will I stretch out
<05186> (8686)
my hand
against thee, and destroy
<07843> (8686)
thee; I am weary
<03811> (8738)
with repenting
<05162> (8736)_.

Jeremiah 15:11

<0559> (8804)_,
<03808> <0518>
it shall be well
with thy remnant
<08281> (8765) (8675) <08293>_;
I will cause the enemy
<0341> (8802)
to entreat
<06293> (8689)
thee [well] in the time
of evil
and in the time
of affliction
{cause...: or, intreat the enemy for thee}

Jeremiah 16:11

Then shalt thou say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Because your fathers
have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
and have walked
<03212> (8799)
and have served
<05647> (8799)
them, and have worshipped
<07812> (8691)
them, and have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me, and have not kept
<08104> (8804)
my law

Jeremiah 16:13

Therefore will I cast
<02904> (8689)
you out of this land
into a land
that ye know
<03045> (8804)
not, [neither] ye nor your fathers
and there shall ye serve
<05647> (8804)
and night
where I will not shew
<05414> (8799)
you favour

Jeremiah 18:20

Shall evil
be recompensed
<07999> (8792)
for good
for they have digged
<03738> (8804)
a pit
for my soul
<02142> (8798)
that I stood
<05975> (8800)
thee to speak
<01696> (8763)
for them, [and] to turn away
<07725> (8687)
thy wrath
from them.

Jeremiah 22:20-21

Go up
<05927> (8798)
to Lebanon
and cry
<06817> (8798)_;
and lift up
<05414> (8798)
thy voice
in Bashan
and cry
<06817> (8798)
from the passages
for all thy lovers
<0157> (8764)
are destroyed
<07665> (8738)_.
I spake
<01696> (8765)
unto thee in thy prosperity
[but] thou saidst
<0559> (8804)_,
I will not hear
<08085> (8799)_.
This [hath been] thy manner
from thy youth
that thou obeyedst
<08085> (8804)
not my voice
{prosperity: Heb. prosperities}

Jeremiah 22:25-26

And I will give
<05414> (8804)
thee into the hand
of them that seek
<01245> (8764)
thy life
and into the hand
[of them] whose face
thou fearest
<03016> (8801)_,
even into the hand
of Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
and into the hand
of the Chaldeans
And I will cast thee out
<02904> (8689)_,
and thy mother
that bare
<03205> (8804)
thee, into another
where ye were not born
<03205> (8795)_;
and there shall ye die
<04191> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 23:39

Therefore, behold, I, even I, will utterly
<05377> (8800)
<05382> (8804)
you, and I will forsake
<05203> (8804)
you, and the city
that I gave
<05414> (8804)
you and your fathers
[and cast you] out of my presence

Jeremiah 25:28

And it shall be, if they refuse
<03985> (8762)
to take
<03947> (8800)
the cup
at thine hand
to drink
<08354> (8800)_,
then shalt thou say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
Ye shall certainly
<08354> (8800)
<08354> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 26:13

Therefore now amend
<03190> (8685)
your ways
and your doings
and obey
<08085> (8798)
the voice
of the LORD
your God
and the LORD
will repent
<05162> (8735)
him of the evil
that he hath pronounced
<01696> (8765)
against you.

Jeremiah 27:13

Why will ye die
<04191> (8799)_,
thou and thy people
by the sword
by the famine
and by the pestilence
as the LORD
hath spoken
<01696> (8765)
against the nation
that will not serve
<05647> (8799)
the king
of Babylon

Jeremiah 29:10

For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
That after
be accomplished
<04390> (8800)
at Babylon
I will visit
<06485> (8799)
you, and perform
<06965> (8689)
my good
toward you, in causing you to return
<07725> (8687)
to this place

Jeremiah 30:16-17

Therefore all they that devour
<0398> (8802)
thee shall be devoured
<0398> (8735)_;
and all thine adversaries
every one of them, shall go
<03212> (8799)
into captivity
and they that spoil
<07601> (8802) (8675) <08154> (8802)
thee shall be a spoil
and all that prey
<0962> (8802)
upon thee will I give
<05414> (8799)
for a prey
For I will restore
<05927> (8686)
unto thee, and I will heal
<07495> (8799)
thee of thy wounds
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
because they called
<07121> (8804)
thee an Outcast
<05080> (8737)_,
[saying], This [is] Zion
whom no man seeketh after
<01875> (8802)_.

Jeremiah 32:7

Behold, Hanameel
the son
of Shallum
thine uncle
shall come
<0935> (8802)
unto thee, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
<07069> (8798)
thee my field
that [is] in Anathoth
for the right
of redemption
[is] thine to buy
<07069> (8800)

Jeremiah 32:43

And fields
shall be bought
<07069> (8738)
in this land
whereof ye say
<0559> (8802)_,
[It is] desolate
without man
or beast
it is given
<05414> (8738)
into the hand
of the Chaldeans

Jeremiah 34:13

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
the God
of Israel
I made
<03772> (8804)
a covenant
with your fathers
in the day
that I brought them forth
<03318> (8687)
out of the land
of Egypt
out of the house
of bondmen
<0559> (8800)_,

Jeremiah 35:6

But they said
<0559> (8799)_,
We will drink
<08354> (8799)
no wine
for Jonadab
the son
of Rechab
our father
<06680> (8765)
us, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
Ye shall drink
<08354> (8799)
no wine
[neither ye], nor your sons

Jeremiah 35:18

And Jeremiah
<0559> (8804)
unto the house
of the Rechabites
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
Because ye have obeyed
<08085> (8804)
the commandment
of Jonadab
your father
and kept
<08104> (8799)
all his precepts
and done
<06213> (8799)
according unto all that he hath commanded
<06680> (8765)

Jeremiah 37:20

Therefore hear
<08085> (8798)
now, I pray thee, O my lord
the king
let my supplication
I pray thee, be accepted
<05307> (8799)
thee; that thou cause me not to return
<07725> (8686)
to the house
of Jonathan
the scribe
<05608> (8802)_,
lest I die
<04191> (8799)
there. {let...: Heb. let my supplication fall}

Jeremiah 38:20

But Jeremiah
<0559> (8799)_,
They shall not deliver
<05414> (8799)
[thee]. Obey
<08085> (8798)_,
I beseech thee, the voice
of the LORD
which I speak
<01696> (8802)
unto thee: so it shall be well
<03190> (8799)
unto thee, and thy soul
shall live
<02421> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 42:4

Then Jeremiah
the prophet
<0559> (8799)
unto them, I have heard
<08085> (8804)
[you]; behold, I will pray
<06419> (8693)
unto the LORD
your God
according to your words
and it shall come to pass, [that] whatsoever thing
the LORD
shall answer
<06030> (8799)
you, I will declare
<05046> (8686)
[it] unto you; I will keep
<04513> (0)
<04513> (8799)
from you.

Jeremiah 42:20

For ye dissembled
<08582> (8689)
in your hearts
when ye sent
<07971> (8804)
me unto the LORD
your God
<0559> (8800)_,
<06419> (8690)
for us unto the LORD
our God
and according unto all that the LORD
our God
shall say
<0559> (8799)_,
so declare
<05046> (8685)
unto us, and we will do
<06213> (8804)
[it]. {ye dissembled...: or, ye have used deceit against your souls}

Jeremiah 44:3

of their wickedness
which they have committed
<06213> (8804)
to provoke me to anger
<03707> (8687)_,
in that they went
<03212> (8800)
to burn incense
<06999> (8763)_,
[and] to serve
<05647> (8800)
whom they knew
<03045> (8804)
not, [neither] they, ye, nor your fathers

Jeremiah 46:14

<05046> (8685)
ye in Egypt
and publish
<08085> (8685)
in Migdol
and publish
<08085> (8685)
in Noph
and in Tahpanhes
<0559> (8798)
ye, Stand fast
<03320> (8690)_,
and prepare
<03559> (8685)
thee; for the sword
shall devour
<0398> (8804)
round about

Jeremiah 47:5-6

is come
<0935> (8804)
upon Gaza
is cut off
<01820> (8738)
[with] the remnant
of their valley
how long wilt thou cut
<01413> (8704)
thou sword
of the LORD
how long [will it be] ere
thou be quiet
<08252> (8799)_?
put up
<0622> (8734)
thyself into thy scabbard
<07280> (8734)_,
and be still
<01826> (8798)_.
{put...: Heb. gather thyself}

Jeremiah 48:27

For was not Israel
a derision
unto thee? was he found
<04672> (8738)
among thieves
for since
thou spakest
of him, thou skippedst
<05110> (8709)
for joy. {skippedst...: or, movedst thyself}

Jeremiah 49:9

If grapegatherers
<01219> (8802)
<0935> (8804)
to thee, would they not leave
<07604> (8686)
[some] gleaning grapes
if thieves
by night
they will destroy
<07843> (8689)
till they have enough
{till...: Heb. their sufficiency}

Jeremiah 49:14

I have heard
<08085> (8804)
a rumour
from the LORD
and an ambassador
is sent
<07971> (8803)
unto the heathen
[saying], Gather ye together
<06908> (8690)_,
and come
<0935> (8798)
against her, and rise up
<06965> (8798)
to the battle

Jeremiah 50:11

Because ye were glad
<08055> (8799)_,
because ye rejoiced
<05937> (8799)_,
O ye destroyers
<08154> (8802)
of mine heritage
because ye are grown fat
<06335> (8799)
as the heifer
at grass
<01877> (8676) <01758> (8801)_,
and bellow
<06670> (8799)
as bulls
{fat: Heb. big, or, corpulent} {bellow...: or, neigh as steeds}

Jeremiah 50:31-32

Behold, I [am] against thee, [O thou] most proud
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
of hosts
for thy day
is come
<0935> (8802)_,
the time
[that] I will visit
<06485> (8804)
thee. {most...: Heb. pride}
And the most proud
shall stumble
<03782> (8804)
and fall
<05307> (8804)_,
and none shall raise him up
<06965> (8688)_:
and I will kindle
<03341> (8689)
a fire
in his cities
and it shall devour
<0398> (8804)
all round about
him. {the...: Heb. pride}

Jeremiah 51:14

of hosts
hath sworn
<07650> (8738)
by himself
[saying], Surely I will fill
<04390> (8765)
thee with men
as with caterpillers
and they shall lift up
<06030> (8804)
a shout
against thee. {by himself: Heb. by his soul} {lift up: Heb. utter}

Jeremiah 51:26

And they shall not take
<03947> (8799)
of thee a stone
for a corner
nor a stone
for foundations
but thou shalt be desolate
for ever
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
{desolate...: Heb. everlasting desolations}

Jeremiah 51:36

Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, I will plead
<07378> (8801)
thy cause
and take vengeance
<05358> (8765)
for thee
and I will dry up
<02717> (8689)
her sea
and make her springs
<03001> (8689)_.

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