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NETBible: Strong -- 03707

ka`ac <03707>

oek ka`ac

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 1016
In Hebrew:woyekhl 6, oyekhl 6, ynoyekhl 4, oekyw 4, ynoekhl 4, Myoekm 3, oyekh 2, ynoyekh 2, woyekh 2, ynoekh 2, woekyw 1, owekl 1, woyekt 1, htoekw 1, Myoyekmh 1, *ynoyekh {ynwoekh} 1, whoyeky 1, hnoekt 1, toekh 1, whwoyekyw 1, oeka 1, ynwoek 1, woyekyw 1, ynwoekh 1, ytoekhw 1, Moyeka 1, Myoyekm 1, oekw 1
In NET:angered 11, angry 9, made angry 6, upset 3, enrage 3, angering 3, provoked 2, disturb 1, anger 1, blatantly offend 1, bitterly offended 1, troubled 1, done 1, inciting anger 1, provoking 1, provoking anger 1, provoked to anger 1, provoke to anger 1, worry 1, make angry 1, trouble 1
In AV:anger 43, provoked 3, angry 2, grieved 1, indignation 1, sorrow 1, vex 1, wrath 1, wroth 1
Definition:1) to be angry, be vexed, be indignant, be wroth, be grieved, provoke
to anger and wrath
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be vexed, be indignant
1a2) to be angry
1b) (Piel) to provoke to anger
1c) (Hiphil)
1c1) to vex
1c2) to vex, provoke to anger
a primitive root; to trouble; by implication, to grieve,
rage, be indignant:-be angry, be grieved, take indignation,
provoke (to anger, unto wrath), have sorrow, vex, be wroth.

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