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NETBible: Strong -- 02296

chagar <02296>

rgx chagar

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 604
In Hebrew:rwgx 6, rgxyw 6, wrgx 5, rgx 4, wrgxyw 3, wrgxw 3, Myrgx 2, wrgxtw 1, hrgxy 1, hnrgx 1, hrgx 1, wrgxy 1, trgxw 1, Myrwgx 1, rgxlw 1, trgx 1, rwgxh 1, hnrgxt 1, hrwgxw 1, rgxy 1, rgxt 1, yrgx 1
In NET:put on 3, armed 2, wrapped 2, fully 2, dressed 2, Tuck 2, wrap 2, clothed 2, Put on 2, strapped 2, begins 1, Get dressed 1, measure 1, wears 1, travel 1, sackcloth 1, placed on him 1, fight 1
In AV:gird 31, appointed 3, gird on 3, gird up 2, be afraid 1, put 1, restrain 1, on every side 1
Definition:1) to gird, gird on, gird oneself, put on a belt
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to gird
1a2) to gird on, bind on
1a3) to gird oneself
a primitive root; to gird on (as a belt, armor, etc.):-be
able to put on, be afraid, appointed, gird, restrain, X on
every side.

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