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NETBible: Strong -- 02717

charab <02717>

brx charab or brx chareb

Pronunciation:khaw-rab' khaw-rabe'
Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 731 732
In Hebrew:wbrx 5, wbrxy 3, wbyrxh 2, byrxh 2, brxaw 2, brxt 2, brx 2, hbrx 2, byrxa 2, brxy 2, brxyw 2, hnbrxt 2, wbrxw 1, tbrxmh 1, ytbrxh 1, hbrxh 1, byrxm 1, tbrxn 1, brxh 1, ybrx 1, ytbrxhw 1, twbrxm 1, wbrxn 1, Kybrxmw 1, twbrxn 1
In NET:destroyed 6, dry up 4, dried 3, desolate 3, dried up 3, dry 3, ruined 3, ruins 3, devastated 2, waste 2, run dry 1, Kill 1, wasteland 1, Pursue kill 1, drains away 1, dumbfounded 1, ruin 1, wither 1
In AV:waste 16, dry 7, dry up 7, desolate 3, slay 2, decayeth 1, destroyed 1, destroyer 1, surely 1, utterly 1
Definition:1) to be waste, lay waste, make desolate, be desolate, be in ruins
1a) (Qal) to be waste, be desolate
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be made desolate
1b2) desolate (participle)
1c) (Hiphil) to lay waste, make desolate
1d) (Hophal) to be laid waste
2) to be dry, be dried up
2a) (Qal) to be dried, be dried up
2b) (Pual) to be dried
2c) (Hiphil) to dry up
2d) (Hophal) to be dried up
3) to attack, smite down, slay, fight
or chareb {khaw-rabe'}; a primitive root; to parch (through
drought) i.e. (by analogy,) to desolate, destroy, kill:-
decay, (be) desolate, destroy(-er), (be) dry (up), slay, X
surely, (lay, lie, make) waste.

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